
Microwave Magazine December 2020
Microwave Magazine December 2020

IEEE Microwave Magazine – December 2020 The December issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue celebrates Radio & Wireless Week – and this being 2020 it will be a virtual conference. But this issue is packed. We have five feature articles, seven columns about the conference and nine regular columns. The RWW […]

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Microwave Magazine November 2020
Microwave Magazine November 2020

IEEE Microwave Magazine – November 2020 The November issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue is another “Breadth of MTT” issue so we get a tour of the variety of work within the MTT. And this tour includes an extra dimension on an old friend, some fundamental mathematics applied to circuit problems, […]

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IEEE J-ERM Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Covid-­19 related Emergency Methods and Systems
IEEE J-ERM Call for Papers for the Special Issue: Covid-­19...

The IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology (J-­ERM), sponsored by IEEE MTT-­S, APS, and EMBS societiesand Sensors Council, will publish a special Issue devoted to the emerging applications related to the COVID-­19 pandemic by electromagnetics, RF and microwaves techniques.The focuses of the journal are on unifying the sciences and applications […]

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Microwave Magazine October 2020
Microwave Magazine October 2020

IEEE Microwave Magazine – October 2020 The October issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue features five articles on Microwave spectroscopy. Not to mention eight columns and a return of one of our favorites, Microwave Bytes. Prepare to learn a lot. If we begin with the feature articles you actually should start […]

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MTT-S 2020 AM3 Meeting
MTT-S 2020 AM3 Meeting

Due to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the IEEE MTT-S 2020 3rd AdCom Meeting (AM3) will be held via WebEx. The AM3 meetings will be held in three days as follows: · Day 1: September 5, 2020, 13:00 – 16:00 UTC [Executive Session (via separate Webex) between 14:15 – 16:00 UTC] · Day 2: September 12, 2020, […]

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MTT-S YP Won IEEE Young Professionals Hall of Fame Award
MTT-S YP Won IEEE Young Professionals Hall of Fame

The MTT-S YP group has won 2020 IEEE Young Professionals Hall of Fame Award. It is a fantastic achievement of the MTT-S YP group and great appreciation for their work being recognised at the IEEE level. Big congratulations to Tushar Sharma, Sara Barros and the whole MTT-S YP team!

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Microwave Magazine September 2020
Microwave Magazine September 2020

IEEE Microwave Magazine – September 2020 The September issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! While the cover page in large print talks about ‘Lifelong Learning’ there are plenty of technical features as well in addition to education-focused features – a very broad scope both technically and informatively.  On the technical side, we have […]

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Microwave Magazine August 2020
Microwave Magazine August 2020

IEEE Microwave Magazine – August 2020 I am pleased to announce that we have a very exciting issue created for you on the intriguing topic of the role microwave engineering plays in quantum computing. When I first learned of quantum computing, I had little idea that microwave engineering is playing a key role in its […]

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MTT-S Member Satisfaction Survey 2020
MTT-S Member Satisfaction Survey 2020

The MTT-Society invites you to take a short (~6 minutes) semi-annual membership satisfaction survey.  Please provide your feedback and ideas to help improve membership services and make them more valuable for you. Please visit this link:  

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MTT-S 2021 AdCom
MTT-S 2021 AdCom "At-Large" Member Election

MTT-S 2021 AdCom “At-Large” Member Election The MTT-S 2021 AdCom “At-Large” member election is held from 1 August to 4 September 2020. MTT-S members may vote electronically at the secured url during this time. Remember to vote! Statements from the Candidates  (in alphabetical order of last name): Kamran Ghorbani_Statement Xun Gong_Statement Rajeev Jyoti_Statement Sai Padmanabhan_Statement

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Microwave Magazine July 2020
Microwave Magazine July 2020

IEEE Microwave Magazine – July 2020 The July 2020 issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This month’s issue is one of our breadth issues, and contains a variety of technical features.  As always, read the Editor’s Desk for a lengthy overview of the articles in this month’s issue. The first technical feature presents […]

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New Open Access Journal: IEEE Journal of Microwaves
New Open Access Journal: IEEE Journal of Microwaves

IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society has launched a new open access journal,  IEEE Journal of Microwaves, with the mission of “Expanding science, technology and connectivity across the globe”. More details can be found here:

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Facebook Live Talk: Microwave Enabled Quantum Computing
Facebook Live Talk: Microwave Enabled Quantum Computing

Facebook Live Talk: Microwave Enabled Quantum Computing by David E. Root, Keysight Laboratories, Keysight Technologies, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA, USA on Sunday, June 28th, 02:00PM UTC Register here: Abstract: Quantum computation promises to transform society as profoundly as any previous technological revolution in human history. Certain information processing problems (e.g., breaking classical encryption protocols based on factoring large […]

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In Memoriam: Dr. Hermann Statz
In Memoriam: Dr. Hermann Statz

Dr. Hermann Statz, Age 92, passed away on Sunday, June 14, 2020 in his daughter’s home. Dr. Statz received his Master’s (1949) and PhD (1951) from the University of Stuttgart, Germany. From 1952 to 1953, he was a DIC staff member at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and worked in the Solid State and Molecular […]

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High Efficiency Power Amplifier Student Design Competition
High Efficiency Power Amplifier Student Design Competition

IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) The 16th High Efficiency Power Amplifier Student Design Competition (HEPA-SDC) Virtual Competition Live Stream from Keysight’s Microwave Measurements Lab on October 16th, 2020 Competition Results: The 1st Place Winner: Haifeng Lyu and Yuchen Cao University of Central Florida Advisor: Professor Kenle Chen The 2nd Place Winner: William Sear, Devon […]

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The IEEE 2020 International Microwave Biomedical Conference (IMBioC 2020)
The IEEE 2020 International Microwave Biomedical Conference...

IMBioC is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on state-of-the-art research in microwave and RF theory and techniques that bridge the science and engineering gap as applied to biological systems. During the conference, some workshops and special sessions including Young Professionals (YP) and Women in Microwave (WiM) events will be organized, […]

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