Technical Coordination & Future Directions Committee


The primary objective of the Technical Coordination and Future Directions Committee (TCFDC) is to assure that the MTT-S membership receives the best and most current information about all relevant technical activities within the society’s area field of interest.

To this end, the TCFDC performs the following roles for the society:

  • Coordinates the activities of the MTT-S Technical Committees
  • Manages the MTT-S Distinguished Microwave Lecturers and Speaker’s Bureau programs
  • Conducts “horizon scanning” for additional new emerging areas relevant to MTT-S FOI, incorporate/incubate emerging areas into existing/new TCs as they mature
  • Strengthens engagement/involvement with new and established IEEE-level future direction initiatives (FDIs) that overlap our FOI
  • Enhances MTT-S publications and conferences with new and emerging technical topics
  • Interfaces with the MTT-S Strategic Planning committee on future technology directions and initiatives


The MTT Society currently maintains twenty-six technical committees, covering various areas of specialization within MTT-S. The various committees service member needs in a particular technical area. The Chair and Vice Chair of each committee serve 2-year terms and maintain open membership for those interested in the given technical area. Committee Chairs serve as non-voting members of the MTT-S ADCOM.

The individual MTT-Technical Committees each:

  • Maintain a Web Page that describes the Committee and provides a forum for information exchange;
  • Provide technical articles for MTT publications;
  • Sponsor Special Issues of the MTT-Transactions;
  • Sponsor/organize workshops at MTT-S Symposia;
  • Review proposed symposium workshops;
  • Sponsor/organize Student Design Competitions at the MTT-S Symposium;
  • Sponsor regional and other technical meetings.

In addition, many TC committee members serve on MTT-S conference Technical Program Review Committees. The TC operation guideline can be found here.

List of Technical Committees

Current TCFDC Chair: James Buckwalter Contact