Chapter Formation


Definition – A Chapter is a technical subunit of a Region, one or more Sections, or a Geographic Council. IEEE voting members (Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member, or Fellow grade) who belong to an IEEE Society and a geographic unit which has formed a Technical Chapter of such Society are considered Chapter members. There are single Society Chapters and Joint Society Chapters, and Technical Council Chapters. A Joint Chapter covers the territory of two or more contiguous Sections, or a Council, or the interests of two or more Societies within the territory. A Chapter comprises a minimum of twelve (12) IEEE voting members of a Society, or group of Societies in the case of a joint Chapter.

Chapters are described in detail in the MGA Operations Manual under 9.7.

Formation – A Chapter is established by petition to the parent geographical and technical organizational units. This petition to establish a Chapter requires the following information: Name of the Section(s), Name of the sponsoring Society(ies), Signatures of at least twelve (12) IEEE voting members, in good standing, who are members of the Society(ies) and Section(s) involved; a business plan that includes mission and goals, planned meetings and activities for the initial six months.

Petition and details about new Chapter formation can be found here.


Definition – A Student Branch Chapter is a technical subunit of a Student Branch constituted by a minimum of six (6) IEEE members of Student Member or Graduate Student Member grade. It is typically established at a particular school, college, university or technical institute. A Joint Student Branch Chapter comprises the members of more than one Society or Student Branch.

Student Branch Chapters are described in detail in the MGA Operations Manual under 9.9.

Formation – A Student Branch Chapter is established by petition to the parent Student Branch and Society concerned.  The petition to establish a (Joint) Student Branch Chapter requires at least six (6) signatures and that each Society or Student Branch involved is represented by at least three (3) signatures.

Petition and details about new Student Branch Chapter formation can be found here.