Amateur Radio for Blinds

Amateur Radio for Blinds
Amateur Radio for Blinds

‘Technology transcends the boundaries of physical restraints’, we have all heard of this but Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde (Partner, Rhode & Schwarz) and Dr. Ajay K. Poddar (IEEE MTT SIGHT Committee member, Chair of IEEE AP SIGHT, and Chief scientist from Synergy Microwave, New Jersey, USA), who holds Amateur Radio Call sign AC2KG; brought this […]

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Gravitational Waves - The New Frontier
Gravitational Waves - The New Frontier

1. Mr Anirban Ain, could you tell us a bit about yourself and your work? I am from a small town named Bolpur in West Bengal. I did my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in physics from Visa-Bharati University and IIT Delhi. I am doing my PhD in IUCAA, Pune. I am associated with LIGO as part […]

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3D Smith Charts - Adding a New Dimension
3D Smith Charts - Adding a New Dimension

You don’t always need highly successful people to teach you lessons, people you meet on a day to day basis can also inspire you to take career decisions which have the ability to give your life a completely different path. This is something I realised while pursuing my PhD in Telecommunications from Valencia; an exchange […]

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IMS 2016 Workshop WFE:  Phase Change Material Switches for a New Class of Microwave Control Components
IMS 2016 Workshop WFE: Phase Change Material Switches...

MTT-13 proposed and organized this workshop on the Friday of Microwave Week 2016 in San Francisco, CA. The workshop provided an updated perspective on emerging phase-change switch materials and devices for applications such as microwave switching, impedance tuning, and tunable filters and antennas. More information is available at Thanks to Harvey Newman (US Naval […]

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Getting Social with Emile Davies-Venn
Getting Social with Emile Davies-Venn

From Sierra Leone to High Speed Interfaces, Mr. Emile Davies-Venn is a graduate from University of Minnesota where he was part of the Microwave Packaging and Circuit Technology Group (MPACt group). With 3 US patents and more on the way, and having chaired the Young Professionals track for 2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2015), Emile […]

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IMS2022 Workshops Endorsed by MTT-25
IMS2022 Workshops Endorsed by MTT-25

WMI: Wireless Power Transmission – Myths and Reality Organizers: Nuno Carvalho, Zoya Popovic Organizer organizations: Universidade de Aveiro, University of Colorado, Boulder, Location: Auditorium 1 Abstract Wireless power transmission (WPT) has gained a lot of attention over the past decade, and various applications have been proposed, from low-power IoT device non-directive powering to beaming millimeter waves for propulsion. The […]

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Proposed IMS 2016 Workshop: Frequency Agile Antennas And Sensors Using Advanced Control Materials
Proposed IMS 2016 Workshop: Frequency Agile Antennas...

This workshop is a half-day forum for the latest developments in reconfigurable antennas and sensors technologies made possible by groundbreaking advances in materials science and engineering. Reconfigurability, frequency agility, and other innovative capabilities and enhanced performance have become possible in recent years with the remarkable progress made in control materals. Among the specific technological advances […]

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Workshop on Recent Trends in Microwave and RF
Workshop on Recent Trends in Microwave and RF

When James Clerk Maxwell, published ‘A Dynamical Theory of Electromagnetic Field’ in 1865, he most certainly would not have fathomed that exactly 150 years hence, there shall be the brightest minds in Bangalore congregating to ponder upon his gift to mankind, ‘The Electromagnetic Theory’. It was due to the initiative of IEEE Young Professionals and […]

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Awaken the Entrepreneurial Genius in You!
Awaken the Entrepreneurial Genius in You!

2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) Young Professionals Special Session and Complementary Reception IEEE Young Professionals Global, IEEE Young Professionals Phoenix, and IEEE MTT-S Young Professionals teamed up for the Young Professionals Special Session on May 19th at the 2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in the Phoenix Convention Center. The session was sponsored by MTT-19 Business […]

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NASA Science Outreach and Young Professionals in Microwaves
NASA Science Outreach and Young Professionals in Microwaves

As an initiative taken by IEEE Young Professionals Microwave Theory and Techniques society, Southern Alberta section and Astronomy Teacher Training Institute (ATTI), a solar evening was held at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada on 4th February’ 15. Dr. Philip Scherrer, Professor, Stanford University and Dr. Deborah Scherrer, Director, Stanford Solar Center were the guest […]

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Young Professionals, Microwaves and a Regional Gathering
Young Professionals, Microwaves and a Regional Gathering

The third edition of the prestigious IEEE Region 10 Student/ Young Professionals/ Women in Engineering Congress 2015 was held Colombo, Sri Lanka from 9th July to 12th July, 2015. The congress began on a high note with the first ever IEEE Cricket league played between different sections. This fostered a sense of healthy competitive spirit […]

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May 2015 e-Newsletter
May 2015 e-Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE From the Editor Table of Contents of Recent MTT Publications Journal of Lightwave Technology Launches New Website Call For Papers: The IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF and Conference IMaRC 2015 10-12 December 2015, Novotel Hyderabad Airport, India. IMS 2015 Exhibition Dates and Hours Other IMS 2015 – Quick Links From the […]

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March 2015 e-Newsletter
March 2015 e-Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE From the Editor Table of Contents for recent MTT publications IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society Seeks an Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters IEEE ICUWB is now the International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband 9th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID: IEEE RFID 2015 April 5, 2015 – Application […]

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Student Competitions
Student Competitions

The goal for the competitors is to compensate the distortion that a GaN power amplifier introduces in a realistic burst-signal scenario. The competition will be based on a unique remote-controlled “WebLab”, which gives everyone access to an advanced wideband modulated PA measurement setup! Students participating in the competition will use the “WebLab” for the development […]

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November 2014 e-Newsletter
November 2014 e-Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE From the Editor Table of Contents for recent MTT publications International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2015) IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFIC) Symposium 85th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference Microwave Theory and Techniques publications are among the most cited journals 2014 MTT-S Video Competition Magdalena Salazar Palma elected to AdCom Call for Nominations: IEEE […]

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August 2014 e-Newsletter
August 2014 e-Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE From the Editor Table of Contents for recent MTT publications IEEE Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium (CSICS 2014) IMS 2015: Call for workshop and short course proposals In Memorium: Tina Quach 2015 IEEE MTT-S Graduate Fellowships 2015 IEEE MTT-S Undergraduate/Pre-graduate Scholarships A Little Humor Thought of the Month: “The scientist is not a […]

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