
HEPA Student Design Competition at RWW 2022
HEPA Student Design Competition at RWW 2022

Competition Results: ACPR-FoM 1st Place Winner: Chenhao Chu University College Dublin, Ireland Advisor: Professor Anding Zhu EVM-FoM 1st Place Winner: Chenhao Chu University College Dublin, Ireland Advisor: Professor Anding Zhu The IEEE MTT-S Microwave High Power Techniques Committee (MTT-12), in collaboration with IEEE Radio & Wireless Week (RWW) and Automatic Radio Frequency Techniques Group (ARFTG), […]

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December 2021 WIM Column
December 2021 WIM Column

Building a Women in Microwaves Network That Attracts, Scales, and Connects The in-person restrictions of the pandemic have affected people in many ways, not the least of which is our natural need for in-person interaction. This has certainly been a challenge for the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) […]

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The 1st IEEE MTT-S DMI Workshop
The 1st IEEE MTT-S DMI Workshop

The 1st IEEE MTT-S DMI Workshop The first Distinguished Microwave Instructor (DMI) workshop was held on 26 November 2021 in Region 10, with over 1200 students attended. The workshop was delivered in a hybrid mode (on campus + online) with over 17 universities involved from China, Taiwan, India, Pakistan and Australia. Three DMI speakers, Prof. […]

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IEEE Fellows 2022
IEEE Fellows 2022

Recognizing the achievements of its members is an important part of the mission of IEEE. Each year, following a rigorous evaluation procedure, the IEEE Board of Directors confers a selected group of members for elevation to IEEE Fellow. The IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership in the IEEE. Less than 0.1% of voting […]

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Microwave Magazine December 2021
Microwave Magazine December 2021

IEEE Microwave Magazine – December 2021 The December issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! Our December issue is special – you get features from the Radio & Wireless Week (RWW) committee, information about the RWW and many of our regular columns. So much to enjoy! First, our features have something for everyone. We […]

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Microwave Magazine November 2021
Microwave Magazine November 2021

IEEE Microwave Magazine – November 2020 The November issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! And this issue features filters and remote microwave education. There is even an Application Note on tunable filters for 5G base stations. We have reconfigurable filters from bandgap structures and antennas that are filters. Remote education has gone from […]

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Webinar series hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology Varanasi
Webinar series hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology

The IEEE MTT-S Student Branch Chapter at IIT BHU Varanasi along with IEEE MTT-S Young Professionals have enthusiastically organized a series of webinars attracting a global audience.  The MTT-S Young Professionals group is pleased to showcase the efforts of these fantastic and dedicated volunteers, and additionally to invite you to attend their next event on […]

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MTT-S Handbook Update - Society Name Change
MTT-S Handbook Update - Society Name Change

The MTT-S Handbook has been updated with changes, including amendments to the MTT-S Constitution and the Bylaws, as approved by the MTT-S Administrative Committee (AdCom) and reviewed by the IEEE.  The principal change is to the Society name, from the Microwave Theory & Techniques Society (MTT-S) to the Microwave Theory & Technology Society (MTT-S). The […]

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2021 IEEE MTT-S AdCom Election Results
2021 IEEE MTT-S AdCom Election Results

The 2021 IEEE MTT-S AdCom Election Results President-Elect AdCom Members

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Microwave Magazine October 2021
Microwave Magazine October 2021

IEEE Microwave Magazine – October 2020 The latest issue of the Microwave Magazine is out! Our focus this month is machine learning. Neural networks can help us explore our design changes or process variation without having to exhaustively simulate every corner case, frequency or in between. And for those with a more IC orientation there […]

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MTT-S AdCom Member At-Large 2021 Election Results
MTT-S AdCom Member At-Large 2021 Election Results

Dear MTT-S members: It is a pleasure to announce the 2021 Membership-At-Large Election results reported to us by IEEE. Frederick H. (Fritz) Raab and Naoki Shinohara have been elected for the three-year term on the MTT-S Administrative Committee (AdCom) from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024. We wish to congratulate our two newly elected members of […]

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WIM students: new industry scholarships available
WIM students: new industry scholarships available

$5,000 USD scholarship opportunity:  The Cadence Women in Technology Scholarship is offered to eligible female students and interns for the 2021-2022 academic year. The application window is open now, and will close October 11th 2021.  Students at all levels of university education (BS, MS, PhD) at Canadian and American institutions are invited to apply, see […]

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Microwave Magazine September 2021
Microwave Magazine September 2021

IEEE Microwave Magazine – September 2020 The September issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is here! This issue focuses on electromagnetics and medical treatments. Our first of three features cover wirelessly powering medical implants. And a new term for many will be “electroceuticals” which is a takeoff on pharmaceuticals and refers to electromagnetically modifying tissue […]

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July Virtual Colloquium
July Virtual Colloquium

This July, be ready to get inspired and learn from a group of enthusiastic female engineers from the field of RF and Microwave. IEEE MTT-S Kerala chapter, IEEE MTT-S WiM (Women in Microwave) Affinity Group, IEEE AP-S SIGHT committee, and IEEE MTT-S and AP-S SB Chapters of GEC, Barton Hill, and IIST are glad to […]

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IWS'21 Education Session Summary
IWS'21 Education Session Summary

Education Special Session in 2021 IEEE MTT-S IWS The education special session in the 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS) was supported by the Education Committee of IEEE MTT-S AdCom, which aims at providing opportunities for collaborative learning and facilitates microwave authoritative information exchange to educate and support faculties/students throughout their career paths. The […]

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IMS'21 Workshop - Microwave Acoustics and RF MEMS enabling 5G
IMS'21 Workshop - Microwave Acoustics and RF MEMS enabling

The development of 5G systems promises paradigm-shifting applications while presenting unique challenges across materials, devices, modules, and systems. One area that calls for innovative solutions to support the 5G growth is the front-end acoustic filtering at sub-6 GHz and beyond. To this end, this workshop features a group of international experts who will present upcoming […]

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