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IEEE Microwave Magazine – December 2022

The last IEEE Microwave Magazine of 2022 is out! And this being the December issue means we get to learn all about the 2023 IEEE Radio & Wireless Week (RWW). We will give you a brief summary here but for the real summary of the issue check out the Editor’s Desk column, and for all the information on the features and RWW news, check out the Guest Editor’s Desk. We also have our regular columns in this issue so there is a lot to enjoy.

First let’s check out the features. These features are arranged by the RWW committee and promise to satisfy a wide range of interests. We have a system overview on the evolution of radio architectures, a component feature on improving the efficiency of a balanced amplifier by load modulation, a second system feature on the rise of digital RFICs, and finally a component analyzer that works with modulated signals.