
April 2014 e-Newsletter
April 2014 e-Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE From the Editor Table of Contents for recent MTT publications IEEE Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium (CSICS 2014) Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC 2014) MTT-S 2014 Outstanding Chapter Award Introducing the 2014 Fellows Interesting read of the month: Dudley Buck’s Forgotten Cryotron Computer A Little Humor Upcoming Deadlines Upcoming Conferences Thought of […]

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March 2014 e-Newsletter
March 2014 e-Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE From the Editor Table of Contents for recent MTT publications Spring 2014 IEEE MTT-S Undergraduate/Pre-graduate Scholarships Student Design Competitions at IMS 2014 Call for Papers: IEEE T-MTT Special Issue on Power Amplifiers Survey for a New Journal on Numerical Methods as Applied to Electromagnetics or Wireless Systems New Online Resume Tool for […]

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February 2014 e-Newsletter
February 2014 e-Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE From the Editor Table of Contents for recent MTT publications Search for Editor-in-Chief for the Microwave Magazine 2014 IMS and RFIC PhD Student Sponsorship Initiative Call for Student Volunteers for 2014 IEEE International Microwave Symposium 2014 Texas Symposium on Wireless & Microwave Circuits and Systems (WMCS) New Editorial Office of IEEE Transactions […]

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January 2014 e-Newsletter
January 2014 e-Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE From the Editor Table of Contents for recent MTT publications IEEE Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium (CSICS 2014) Top Three Reasons Members Join IEEE Societies Call for Nominations for Election to the MTT-S Administrative Committee Call for Nominations: IEEE Fellows A Little Humor IEEE-USA Launches New Salary Service How IEEE Spectrum Was Born […]

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