Young Professionals

Not Your Grandfather’s Ham Radio
Not Your Grandfather’s Ham Radio

NOT YOUR GRANDFATHER’S HAM RADIO When cell phones, internet and other modern systems of communications are down or overloaded, Amateur Radio can still get the message through. Radio amateurs, often known as “hams”, enjoy radio technology as a hobby and as a vital service that has saved lives when regular communication systems failed. Whether it […]

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IEEE Sudan Workshop on 5G Networks
IEEE Sudan Workshop on 5G Networks

In collaboration with IEEE MTT, IEEE YP, IEEE YP in Microwaves and the University of Calgary’s iRadio Lab, IEEE Sudan has held a full-day workshop on fifth-generation (5G) networks on February 14th, 2016 in the DAL Group Excellence Center. This event comes as part of the many workshops, talks and seminars organized by IEEE Sudan […]

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Seminar on Research and Prospects of Microwave Engineering: From Designers’ Perspective
Seminar on Research and Prospects of Microwave Engineering:...

SEMINAR ON RESEARCH AND PROSPECTS OF MICROWAVE ENGINEERING: FROM DESIGNERS’ PERSPECTIVE If you find it hard to imagine your life without your smartphone or any other wireless communication device, you are not alone. Wireless technologies such as broadband internet, cell phones and television have reshaped the way mankind communicates, since the inception of Radio two […]

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Catch the Wave with Young Professionals in Hawaii 2017 - Lets Get Social with Ryan Pang
Catch the Wave with Young Professionals in Hawaii 2017...

RF Engineer, Focus Group Chair on the Executive Steering Committee for IMS 2017 and a passionate IEEE Young Professional. Read more about what IEEE and MTT-S means to him and get a sneak peak of the IMS 2017!! Mr. Ryan, please tell us a little about yourself, what work do you do at Echodyne, what […]

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The 2016 IMS Project Connect Experience
The 2016 IMS Project Connect Experience

The 2016 IMS Project Connect Experience IMS Project Connect is a program that connects engineering students from all over the United States. This year the conference was held in San Francisco, California where a group of 17 students participated from universities including Alabama, Hawaii, Texas, Florida, Maryland, Washington and California. At the International Microwave Symposium, […]

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5 Technologies Determining the Future of Disaster Mitigation
5 Technologies Determining the Future of Disaster Mitigation

What value would you give to your smartphone devoid of a network connectivity? What if the information and communication technology suddenly disappears following a disaster? Keep reading to dive into the details! 22nd September 2015, a pleasant day under the ambience of Hyatt Regency in Kyoto, Japan,IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) SIGHT organized […]

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Millimeter Waves – A Gateway to the Future!
Millimeter Waves – A Gateway to the Future!

The Young Professionals in Microwave is all set to make its youthful spirits felt again at the IMS to be held at SF Marriott Marquis on May 24th, 2016. Last year, in Phoenix, we had focused on entrepreneurs in the field of engineering sharing their experience on building a successful company. Picking a key focus […]

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Young Professionals in Microwaves blog
Young Professionals in Microwaves blog

The Young Professionals in Microwave is all set to make its youthful spirits felt again at the IMS to be held at SF Marriott Marquis on May 24th, 2016. Last year, in Phoenix, we had focused on entrepreneurs in the field of engineering sharing their experience on building a successful company. Picking a key focus […]

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Amateur Radio for Blinds
Amateur Radio for Blinds

‘Technology transcends the boundaries of physical restraints’, we have all heard of this but Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde (Partner, Rhode & Schwarz) and Dr. Ajay K. Poddar (IEEE MTT SIGHT Committee member, Chair of IEEE AP SIGHT, and Chief scientist from Synergy Microwave, New Jersey, USA), who holds Amateur Radio Call sign AC2KG; brought this […]

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Gravitational Waves - The New Frontier
Gravitational Waves - The New Frontier

1. Mr Anirban Ain, could you tell us a bit about yourself and your work? I am from a small town named Bolpur in West Bengal. I did my B.Sc. and M.Sc. in physics from Visa-Bharati University and IIT Delhi. I am doing my PhD in IUCAA, Pune. I am associated with LIGO as part […]

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3D Smith Charts - Adding a New Dimension
3D Smith Charts - Adding a New Dimension

You don’t always need highly successful people to teach you lessons, people you meet on a day to day basis can also inspire you to take career decisions which have the ability to give your life a completely different path. This is something I realised while pursuing my PhD in Telecommunications from Valencia; an exchange […]

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Getting Social with Emile Davies-Venn
Getting Social with Emile Davies-Venn

From Sierra Leone to High Speed Interfaces, Mr. Emile Davies-Venn is a graduate from University of Minnesota where he was part of the Microwave Packaging and Circuit Technology Group (MPACt group). With 3 US patents and more on the way, and having chaired the Young Professionals track for 2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2015), Emile […]

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Workshop on Recent Trends in Microwave and RF
Workshop on Recent Trends in Microwave and RF

When James Clerk Maxwell, published ‘A Dynamical Theory of Electromagnetic Field’ in 1865, he most certainly would not have fathomed that exactly 150 years hence, there shall be the brightest minds in Bangalore congregating to ponder upon his gift to mankind, ‘The Electromagnetic Theory’. It was due to the initiative of IEEE Young Professionals and […]

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Awaken the Entrepreneurial Genius in You!
Awaken the Entrepreneurial Genius in You!

2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) Young Professionals Special Session and Complementary Reception IEEE Young Professionals Global, IEEE Young Professionals Phoenix, and IEEE MTT-S Young Professionals teamed up for the Young Professionals Special Session on May 19th at the 2015 International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in the Phoenix Convention Center. The session was sponsored by MTT-19 Business […]

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NASA Science Outreach and Young Professionals in Microwaves
NASA Science Outreach and Young Professionals in Microwaves

As an initiative taken by IEEE Young Professionals Microwave Theory and Techniques society, Southern Alberta section and Astronomy Teacher Training Institute (ATTI), a solar evening was held at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada on 4th February’ 15. Dr. Philip Scherrer, Professor, Stanford University and Dr. Deborah Scherrer, Director, Stanford Solar Center were the guest […]

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Young Professionals, Microwaves and a Regional Gathering
Young Professionals, Microwaves and a Regional Gathering

The third edition of the prestigious IEEE Region 10 Student/ Young Professionals/ Women in Engineering Congress 2015 was held Colombo, Sri Lanka from 9th July to 12th July, 2015. The congress began on a high note with the first ever IEEE Cricket league played between different sections. This fostered a sense of healthy competitive spirit […]

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