Webinar series hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology Varanasi

Webinar series hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology Varanasi
Webinar series hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology

The IEEE MTT-S Student Branch Chapter at IIT BHU Varanasi along with IEEE MTT-S Young Professionals have enthusiastically organized a series of webinars attracting a global audience.  The MTT-S Young Professionals group is pleased to showcase the efforts of these fantastic and dedicated volunteers, and additionally to invite you to attend their next event on […]

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MTT-S Handbook Update - Society Name Change
MTT-S Handbook Update - Society Name Change

The MTT-S Handbook has been updated with changes, including amendments to the MTT-S Constitution and the Bylaws, as approved by the MTT-S Administrative Committee (AdCom) and reviewed by the IEEE.  The principal change is to the Society name, from the Microwave Theory & Techniques Society (MTT-S) to the Microwave Theory & Technology Society (MTT-S). The […]

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WIM students: new industry scholarships available
WIM students: new industry scholarships available

$5,000 USD scholarship opportunity:  The Cadence Women in Technology Scholarship is offered to eligible female students and interns for the 2021-2022 academic year. The application window is open now, and will close October 11th 2021.  Students at all levels of university education (BS, MS, PhD) at Canadian and American institutions are invited to apply, see […]

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July Virtual Colloquium
July Virtual Colloquium

This July, be ready to get inspired and learn from a group of enthusiastic female engineers from the field of RF and Microwave. IEEE MTT-S Kerala chapter, IEEE MTT-S WiM (Women in Microwave) Affinity Group, IEEE AP-S SIGHT committee, and IEEE MTT-S and AP-S SB Chapters of GEC, Barton Hill, and IIST are glad to […]

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IWS'21 Education Session Summary
IWS'21 Education Session Summary

Education Special Session in 2021 IEEE MTT-S IWS The education special session in the 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS) was supported by the Education Committee of IEEE MTT-S AdCom, which aims at providing opportunities for collaborative learning and facilitates microwave authoritative information exchange to educate and support faculties/students throughout their career paths. The […]

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July 2021 WIM Column
July 2021 WIM Column

The July 2021 issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine features an exciting WIM column Women in Microwaves at MIKON: (not) for the first time, written by Malgorzata Celuch of QWED.  Located in Poland, she, along with other female members of the IEEE, kicked-off Poland’s first WIM event during the Mikon conference last October. While apprehensive […]

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YP Best Paper Award, WAMICON'21
YP Best Paper Award, WAMICON'21

Congratulations to authors Laszlo Szilagyi, Zoltan Tibenszky, Corrado Carta, Ronny Henker, Frank Ellinger of the Technische Univeristat Dresden for their 1st place paper in the category Young Professionals Best Paper Award at WAMICON!  The award was presented April 29 2021 by Steve M Lardizabal and Jing Wang, Technical Program Co-Chairs of WAIMOCN 2020/2021. Members of […]

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IWS'21 WIM Session summary
IWS'21 WIM Session summary

“Women in Microwaves and Wireless” Special Session at IEEE IWS2021                      by (1) Ye Han , and (2) Wenxuan Tang (1) Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (2) Southeast University   The 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS) was successfully held in Nanjing, China, 23rd-26th May, 2021. Along with the conference, a “Women in […]

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May 2021 WIM Column
May 2021 WIM Column

This month’s Microwave Magazine features an interview with Dr. Rhonda Franklin, professor at the University of Minnesota and the 2019 recipient of the IEEE MTT Society’s N. Walter Cox Award for meritorious service. Check out the column to learn about the impact WIM networking events have had on Rhonda’s life and career, as well as […]

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WIM News - April
WIM News - April

The IEEE MTT MGA Committee is pleased to host Dr. Alessandra Costanzo for an invited technical talk “Batteryless RF/Microwave Systems”  during the next online Chapter Chair Meeting.  The virtual event will be held Friday April 2nd at 15:00 London Time, and also include addresses by other MTT committees.  More information and registration can be found […]

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WIM News - March
WIM News - March

PhD student Aqeela Saghir has formed a Facebook group for women in microwaves to answer questions related to the Microwave field and to help students, including those at the undergraduate level.  https://www.facebook.com/groups/466141337281047   All are welcomed to join.   Did you miss her article in the January edition of IEEE Microwaves Magazine?  Don’t miss out – […]

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Celebrate Women's History Month with a film screening of
Celebrate Women's History Month with a film screening...

Women in Engineering, NJ Coast Section, are pleased to show the Movie “Secrets of the Surface” via Zoom.  This film examines the life and mathematical work of Maryam Mirzakhani, an Iranian immigrant to the United States who became a superstar in her field. In 2014, she was both the first woman and the first Iranian […]

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MTT-S Handbook Update
MTT-S Handbook Update

The MTT-S Handbook has been updated with changes, including amendments to the MTT-S Constitution and the Bylaws, as approved by the MTT-S Administrative Committee (AdCom) and reviewed by the IEEE. The updated Handbook and comment form are provided at https://mtt.org/governance-documents-bylaw-changes/ for MTT-S member review, comments, and objections, if any. All changes to the handbook will […]

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