April 2024 Issue
The April issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue has four features and an application note. We also have a terrific set of columns for you to enjoy. This summary is just a teaser, for the real low down on the issue check out the Editor’s Desk column.
Our features have a lot of information about 5G and 6G systems but also cover in-band full-duplex (IBFD) technology and radial power combiners. What about 6G? Our first feature gives an overview of 6G, why it is needed and how it is tested. How does GaN play in 5G systems? Our second feature gives an overview of power amplifier architectures and how GaN fits in. Phased arrays have been a part of the technology move for over 50 years and are only getting easier to make. Our third feature surveys making the most of phased arrays by using them at multiple frequencies as well as transmitting and receiving on the same frequency band at the same time – IBFD. Our last feature is an overview of radial power combiners. Power combining and filters are examples of classic microwave work so enjoy a bit about where the state of the art is now. And speaking of filters and combiners our application note is about branch line couplers with various port phases and power divisions.
Let’s begin our column review with society columns. Our President’s Column covers student scholarships & fellowships, Young Professionals, education programs and student chapters. The Low-Noise Technical Committee is featured in the MTT-S Society News column. Read it and find out how they have been making a difference. Our Around the Globe column features the 26th European Microwave Week – I hope you made it. We also have six ways women can champion one another in our Women in Microwaves column. Men can help with this as well.
For a few more thoughts to chew on please check out the MicroBusiness column. Consider pandemic precautions, the benefits of in person meetings and how Zoom has changed our lives. Our Educator’s Corner explores different views of what’s inside a waveguide. And finally our Enigmas, etc. column covers the solution to last month’s rectifier puzzle.
As always, check out the Conference Calendar. Travel safe and enjoy in-person meetings.
Summary by Alfy Riddle, PhD
Quanergy Solutions