
High Temperature Superconductors in High Frequency Fields (HTS HFF 2023)
High Temperature Superconductors in High Frequency...

HTSHFF is a vibrant workshop where scientists, engineers, students and industrial developers gather together to discuss all aspects of high-temperature, low-temperature, conventional and unconventional superconductors in high frequency fields, from fundamentals to applications, with a special attention to superconducting devices, original measuring methods and low temperature equipment in high-frequency fields, relevance of superconductors in high […]

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IMS 2023 Student Design Competition 9: mmWave 3D-printed Antenna Design
IMS 2023 Student Design Competition 9: mmWave 3D-printed...

IMS 2023 SDC9: mmWave 3D-printed Antenna Design Come to IMS 2023 in San Diego and participate in our Student Design Competition! You can test your mmWave 3D printing antenna design skills and win prize money. Review the description of the competition and rules here. To participate, register at The student design competitions will take […]

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IMS 2023 Workshop: Advanced Wafer-Level Heterogeneous Integration and Packaging for mm-Wave 5G and 6G Applications
IMS 2023 Workshop: Advanced Wafer-Level Heterogeneous...

IMS 2023 WSO: Advanced Wafer-Level Heterogeneous Integration and Packaging for mm-Wave 5G and 6G Applications Organizers: Kamal Samanta, Kevin Xiaoxiong Gu Organizer organizations: Sony, Metawave Date: June 11th 2023 Location:  San Diego Convention Center Room 32AB This workshop will cover various recently developed technologies and the state-of-the-art performance in wafer-level integration and packaging technologies and manufacturing techniques […]

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April 2023 WIM Column
April 2023 WIM Column

The Rich History of Women in Tech In my January WIM column in IEEE Microwave Magazine, “IEEE MTT-S MGA WIM Subcommittee: Who We Are and What We Do,” I mentioned two WIM promotional videos that have been developed to educate and inspire women in engineering. In my April WIM column, I delve into more detail […]

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MTT-S 2023 AM3 Meeting in Porto, Portugal
MTT-S 2023 AM3 Meeting in Porto, Portugal

MTT-S 2023 3rd AdCom Meeting (AM3) in Porto, Portugal We are thrilled to invite you to the IEEE MTT-S 2023 3rd AdCom Meeting (AM3) in beautiful Porto, Portugal! The event will take place from September 22-24, 2023, following the 2023 European Microwave Week (EuMW 2023) in Berlin, Germany. To ensure a smooth journey, we’ve compiled […]

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Microwave Magazine April 2023
Microwave Magazine April 2023

IEEE Microwave Magazine – April 2023 The April issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue features research by women in microwaves. For the real overview check out the Editor’s Desk column but for now I will give a brief summary. We have some really great features in this issue. The first feature […]

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IEEE MTT-S and AP-S Inter-Society Distinguished Lecturer Nomination
IEEE MTT-S and AP-S Inter-Society Distinguished Lecturer

Call for Nomination IEEE MTT-S and AP-S Inter-Society Distinguished Lecturer The Inter-Society Committee of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) together with the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) is launching an Inter-Society Distinguished Lecturer (ISDL) program. This newly established ISDL program will strengthen and increase the bilateral collaboration and professional synergy between […]

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March 2023 WIM Column
March 2023 WIM Column

Why I Am an IEEE Senior Member The march issue of IEEE Microwaves features in our Women in Microwaves column an article,”Why I Am an IEEE Senior Member,” by Janine Love. Janine has been a longtime editor at publications such as Microwave Journal, Microwaves & RF, and Signal Integrity Journal and is now technical marketing […]

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IEEE MTT-S Membership - 50% Discount and $1  for New and Renewing Students 
IEEE MTT-S Membership - 50% Discount and $1 for New...

IEEE MTT-S Membership – 50% Discount and $1 for New and Renewing Students Dear Colleagues, Our MTT-S community is stronger than ever – because of you, our members. We appreciate your membership and look forward to an exciting and prosperous 2023!  The deadline is here to renew your MTT-S membership and as an important member […]

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IEEE MTT-S Mascot Contest
IEEE MTT-S Mascot Contest

Do you have an idea for an IEEE MTT-S Mascot? The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) is looking for a mascot to help showcase our society and our new name (change from Techniques to Technology)! This is a great opportunity to be creative and to influence the future of MTT-S! If you are a great artist, […]

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TC-9 Activities at Upcoming IMS 2023
TC-9 Activities at Upcoming IMS 2023

Workshop on June 11st, 2023 WSL: State-of-the-Art Millimeter-Wave GaN Transistor and MMIC Technologies and Future Perspective Organizers: Farid Mejdjoub (CNRS – IEMN) / Keisuke Shinohara (Teledyne Scientific & Imaging) Owing to superior electrical and thermal properties of GaN-on-SiC material systems, a tremendous progress has been made on GaN-based transistor and MMIC technologies. Advanced heterostructure material […]

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MTT-S 2023 AM2 Meeting
MTT-S 2023 AM2 Meeting

  IEEE MTT-S 2023 2nd AdCom Meeting (AM2)  Location: San Diego, California Meeting Hotel: Hilton Bayfront Hotel Meeting Dates: June 9 – June 11, 2023 Occurs the weekend before IMS 2023 in San Diego Images are courtesy of the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel.

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Microwave Magazine March 2023
Microwave Magazine March 2023

IEEE Microwave Magazine – March 2023 The March issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! We have two features, four Student Design Competition winners, an Application Note, and a big set of columns. We’ll give you a quick summary here but for the real overview, and more about our society, check out the Editor’s […]

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In Memoriam: Doug Rytting
In Memoriam: Doug Rytting

Dear MTT-S members, It is with the deepest sadness that I must report to you the passing of Doug (Douglas Kent) Rytting. Doug passed away on Friday, 3 February 2023. The funeral was on 11 February 2023. Doug was a key player in the HP Network Analyzer product development for multiple decades. The most notable […]

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February 2023 WIM Column
February 2023 WIM Column

Distinguished Microwave Lectures: An Enriching Experience for MTT-S Members and Speakers The February Women in Microwaves column in IEEE Microwaves Magazine spotlights the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) Distinguished Microwave Lecturers (DML) program, which enables chapters to host speakers who are experts in their fields. The women who contributed to this article noticed […]

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2023 MTT-S Outstanding Chapter Award Nomination
2023 MTT-S Outstanding Chapter Award Nomination

2023 IEEE MTT-S Outstanding Chapter Award Call for Nominations Deadline: March 6th, 2023 Nominations are invited from the MTT-S Chapters for the MTT-S Outstanding Chapter Award, which is given each year worldwide based on the quantity and quality of the activities and programs implemented by the chapter during the previous year (January 1 to December […]

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