

RFIC 2024 - Workshop

mm-Wave and Sub-THz Broadband Phased Array FE for Communication and Sensing
Location: Washington DC, USA
Start date: 2024-06-16
End date:

Session: WSP
Organizers: Didier Belot / Wanghua Wu / Hao Gao

STMicroelectronics / Samsung / Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

With technological advancement, the spectrum of possibilities within the realms of communication and sensing is expanding astonishingly. One of the most exciting frontiers in this domain is the utilization of mm-wave and sub-THz frequencies, offering a gateway to revolutionary advances in wireless communication and sensing. The workshop collects the transformative capabilities of mm-Wave and Sub-THz technologies, which collectively span the frequency range from 30GHz to 300GHz. This previously underutilized spectrum is now at the forefront of technological breakthroughs. At the heart of this paradigm shift lies the broadband front-end, a critical component that enables the seamless harnessing of mm-Wave and Sub-THz frequencies for applications that were once considered futuristic. One of the central themes of the workshop is the advancement of high-frequency communication technologies. Explore the latest developments in ultra-fast data transfer, low-latency networks, and the mm-wave and Sub-THz spectrum integration in wireless systems. Witness how these innovations reshape the connectivity landscape, enabling applications like 6G, autonomous vehicles, smart cities, etc. The workshop takes participants on a journey through the diverse applications of mm-wave and Sub-THz sensing, from radar systems that can revolutionize wireless communication to high-resolution imaging techniques that can potentially transform human life.


  1. “28GHz, 60GHz and 140GHz mm-Wave Phased Arrays for Communication and Sensing Systems: a Common Platform” Gabriel M. Rebeiz – Univ. of California, San Diego
  2. “6G Architectures and Technology Partitioning for Communication and Sensing” Yang Zhang, Giovanni Mangraviti – IMEC
  3. “Energy Efficient Communication and Sensing Front-Ends Enabled by Innovative Frequency Generation Techniques” Jose-Luis Gonzalez-Jimenez – CEA-LETI
  4. “Pioneering Ultrahigh-Speed Terahertz Communication for 6G: Challenges and Opportunities” Minoru Fujishima – Hiroshima Univ.
  5. “SiGe: BiCMOS Technology is Enabling D-Band Link with Active Phased Antenna Array” Andrea Pallotta, Didier Belot– STMicroelectronics
  6. “The Impact of Joint Communication and Sensing to Radio Front-End” Rui Hou – Ericsson
  7. “The Evolution of Automotive Radar Circuits — from Gunn Diodes to CMOS SoCs” Christoph Wagner – Silicon Austria Labs
  8. “Broadband mm-Wave Front-End Design Methodology for Radar and Wireless Communication” Hao Gao– Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
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IMS 2024 - Workshop

Future Chiplet Technology and 3D Heterogenous Integration
Location: Washington DC, USA
Start date: 2024-06-16
End date:

Session: WSM
Organizers: Bahar Jalali Farahani / Mahdi Parvizi / Salvatore Finocchiaro / Ko-Tao Lee

Affiliation: Cisco / Qorvo

As the Moore’s law is coming to an end, separating large systems into smaller chips based on their functionality is not only a cost-benefit solution but it allows the complex system to expand beyond theoretical size limits. Although chiplet technology has been around for many years, it has not been till the rise of the AI supercomputers and the accompanied unprecedented computational demand that put the spotlight on SiPs (System in Package). There are different aspects to the design of chiplets including the packaging, the high-speed chip-to-chip interconnect and the interoperability and standardization which allow the SiP built by the combination of chips from different vendors. There are multiple benefits to the chiplet-based architectures. Breaking down the large complex systems into smaller chips based on their functionality means better yields and lower cost due to the lower probability of manufacturing defects. Cost reduction can also come with customizing the process technology for each chiplet (eg using advanced nodes for GPUs and CPUs and less expensive technologies for memories and analog interfaces). Design upgrades can also be done on certain functional blocks without the need for redesigning the whole system. To take full advantage of chiplet-based architectures, the D2D (die-to-die) interface needs to be standardized. The interoperability allows the developer to use multiple vendors. In terms of the packaging, development of 3DHI (3D Heterogeneous Integration) that enables stacking up separately manufactured components, is the perfect technology choice for chiplet-based architectures. Additionally, the ever-increasing demand for high-throughput communication links and high-resolution radar sensors is driving the development of future wireless systems at higher operating frequencies. In order to support multiple functionality, the flexibility requested to those systems, is driving the adoption of large phased array antennas. Heterogeneous technologies and vertical 3D integration will play a vital role in enhancing the performance and functional density, along with reducing the size and costs, of such RF systems. In addition to the already mentioned standardization, both on the digital and RF side, 3DHI will pose a new set of technology (processes and substrates), design (MMICS, RFIC, analog, power management, passives), packaging and thermal challenges. This workshop will address some of the challenges mentioned above both from the digital and RF point of view, combining commercial and defense perspectives with state-of-the-art research in the field. Experts from industry and academia that are at the frontline of these developments are invited to address these issues and inform the audience about the latest advances in this field.


  1. “The Motivation for Chiplets” Subramanian Iyer – University of California, Los Angeles
  2. “Chiplet Interconnect Solutions” Ramin Farjadrad – Eliyan
  3. “Package-to-Package Scale-Out Interconnect Solutions Based on In-Package Optical I/O” Miloš Popović – Ayar Labs
  4. “Die-to-Die Interconnect Based on Micro-LED Arrays” Bardia Pezeshkit – Avicena
  5. “Vertical Stacking with Si-Cored Substrates” Steven Verhaverbeke – Applied Materials
  6. “Glass-Based Stitch-Chip Technologies and Advanced Packaging for mm-Wave HI” Muhannad S. Bakir – Georgia Tech
  7. “Building >100GHz Phased Array Systems using Standard 3D Integration Technologies” Gabriel M. Rebeiz – University of California, San Diego
  8. “3D Integration of ICs and Antennas for Ubiquitous mm-Wave Arrays” Arun Natarajan – Oregon State University
  9. “Thermal Management for 3DHI and Advanced Packaging” Robert Pearson – Lockheed Martin
  10. “3D Heterogenous Integration (3DHI) for Advanced Communications” Madhavan Swaminathan – Penn State University
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IMS 2024 - Workshop

Latest Developments in RF/MW Devices, Circuits and System Technology for High Power Applications in ISM & Aerospace & Defense
Location: Washington DC, USA
Start date: 2024-06-16
End date:

Session: WSC
Organizers: Gabriele Formicone / David Brown

Affiliation: Integra Technologies / BAE Systems

This workshop gathers together world experts, research and industry leaders to report and discuss the latest RF/MW technology developments that continue to drive innovation in high-power applications in Aerospace & Defense, as well as in ISM. Specific areas of interest discussed in this workshop span from vacuum tubes (VEDs) to solid-state transistors for active devices, to circuit design and techniques, as well as specific applications that leverage the benefits of the evolving technology. This full-day workshop is geared towards practitioners in the high-power RF/MW aerospace, defense, industry, scientific and medical areas who want to gain a broader perspective on the latest technology developments as well as nuances specific to each different application. Novices and newcomers to the A&D and ISM industry will also gain a comprehensive exposure and understanding of the RF/MW landscape that drives innovation in this specific arena.


  1. “Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers for Space System Transmitters” Andrew Moulthrop and Michael S. Muha – Aerospace
  2. “Development of High-Power Vacuum Electron Devices for Radar” Monica Blank, Mohamed D. Abouzahra, and Michael MacDonald – CPI and MIT Lincoln Laboratory
  3. “High-Power RF Technology for Solid-State Radar” Nestor Lopez, Michael MacDonald, and Mohamed D. Abouzahra – BAE Systems and MIT Lincoln Laboratory
  4. “Technology Options for Phased Array Beamforming” Frank E. van Vliet – TNO
  5. “Overview of Modern High-Power Microwave (HPM) Technologies and Challenges” Feyza Berber Halmen, Travis Fields, and Roy C. Allen – MIDE
  6. “High-Power RF Pallet and Transistor Solutions for Radar and Avionic Systems from UHF to S-Band” John Walker and James Custer – Integra Technologies
  7. “High-Power RF/Microwave Systems in Medical and Agricultural Applications” Paolo F. Maccarini – Duke University
  8. “Solid-State Amplifiers for Noninvasive Thermo-Acoustic Imaging to Diagnose Liver Fat and Other Medical Applications” Chris Davis – ENDRA Life Sciences
  9. “The Role of RF Technology in MR Imaging (MRI) Systems” Daniel Myer – CPC
  10. “Build-a-Radar Self-Paced Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for Students of All Backgrounds” Kenneth E. Kolodziej – MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Show description

IMS 2024 - Workshop

3D Heterogeneous Integration and 3D-Packaging Targeting B5G-6G mmW and Sub-THz Communication and Sensing
Location: Washington DC, USA
Start date: 2024-06-16
End date:

Session: WSF
Organizers: Didier Belot / Pierre Busson

Affiliation: STMicroelectronic

The 6G Telecom generation forecasts mm-wave and sub-THz applications as Fronthaul and Backhaul mm-wave and sub-THz wireless links; Reflective Intelligent Surface between mini-cell station and devices mainly in mm-wave frequency range; Short distance ultra-high data-rate mm-wave and sub-THz wireless data storage transfer; Automotive Joint communication and Sensing Radars; Health and Industrial mm-wave and sub-THz Radars and imagers; and other applications which are not yet defined. A Key challenge facing us is how to manage multi-processes dies with antennas integrated in the same object, reducing losses, and then increasing power efficiency and, at the same time targeting the cost efficiency. The workshop will discuss the trade-off Power Efficiency/Cost Efficiency of different 3D assembly strategies and will try to have a picture of the most promising research in the domain, through topics which will address as III-V GaN/Si and InP/Si, with SiGe and or CMOS Heterogeneous Integration; Wafer to Wafer; Die to Wafer, Backend of line co-integration; mm-wave sub-THz packaging, including Antenna integration, Si-Interposers, organic interposers, and other packaging 3D approach. The power efficiency can be defined as the max data rate ability, with the max distance covered by the transceiver over its power consumption, the cost efficiency is max data rate ability, with the max distance covered by the transceiver over its cost. This simple relation does not take into account the cooling equipment, if necessary, the reliability, and finally the environmental impact of the different strategies. These last points are difficult to quantify at the research level.


  1. “System-on-Wafer: 2D and 3D Technologies for Heterogeneous Systems” Hervé Boutry, Olivier Valorge, and Christophe Dubarry – CEA-LETI
  2. “RF-Heterointegration at Wafer-Level and Panel-Level for mm-Wave Applications” Siddhartha Sinha and Nadine Collaert – IMEC
  3. “Material and Packaging Trends for High Frequency mm-Wave Applications” Tanja Braun – Fraunhofer IZM
  4. “Heterointegration Approaches for InP-HBT Technologies for 5G Applications and Beyond” Hady Yacoub and Wolfgang Heinrich– FBH
Show description

APMC 2023 - Workshop

Current status and future challenges of GaN RF technology - From an industry perspective
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Start date: 2023-12-05
End date:

Session: TU-B1
Organizers: Ko-Tao Lee
/ Seanchy H.-C. Chiu

Affiliation: Qorvo
/ Wavetek Microelectronics

The rapid development of GaN technology has revolutionized the RF industry, enabling high frequency, high power, and high efficiency operations for RF systems across multiple market segments. In the telecommunications industry, GaN RF technology has been widely used to improve data rate, increase signal coverage, and reduce power consumption for 5G/6G base stations. As for the aerospace industry, GaN is used for satellite communication to ensure smooth and reliable uplink and downlink. In the defense sector, it is implemented in electronic warfare systems to detect and neutralize the attackers’ radar systems. To explore the latest development of GaN RF technology, the workshop is being organized featuring 6 technical experts from the RF semiconductor industry as the speakers. It is a great opportunity for participants to learn the current status as well as future challenges of GaN RF technology from different perspectives, including material science, device physics, technology development, and system applications.


  1. Performance and reliability improvements of GaN RF HEMTs for sub-6 GHz and mmWave applications” Yu-Syuan Lin – WIN Semiconductors
  2. “Mitsubishi Electric’s GaN device developments for 5G and beyond 5G/6G” Koji Yamanaka – Mitsubishi Electric
  3. “The state of GaN transistor technology today. Challenges and opportunities for the future” Jose Jimenez – Qorvo
  4. “The application and challenges of RF GaN HEMT on Si substrate” Seanchy Hsien-Chin Chiu – Wavetek Microelectronics
  5. “Development of GaN-on-Si technology for the next generations of RF systems” Bertrand Parvais – IMEC
  6. “Potential and challenges of N-polar MIS GaN HEMT for post 5G wireless network” Kozo Makiyama – Sumitomo Electric Industries
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EuMW 2023 - Workshop

REAL base station and related device techniques for 5G and beyond 5G mm-wave systems
Location: Berlin, Germany
Start date: 2023-09-18
End date:

Session: WM6
Organizers: Kenjiro Nishikawa / Kazuya Yamamoto

Affiliation: Kagoshima University / Mitsubishi Electric

Abstract: More than three years have passed since 5G services started in several country’s carriers. 5G sub-6 GHz services, so-called FR1 services, are rapidly becoming popular in cellular communications. However, 5G mmwave services, so-called FR2 (28 to 39GHz) services have NOT been popular still now. From a viewpoint of device technology, in the sub-6GHz base stations, GaN HEMTs are becoming a main player for higher efficiency operation, compared to Si-LDMOS. In contrast, in the mm-wave base stations, Si-based transistors, such as SiGe HBT and SOI-CMOS, contribute to the realization of most of the real FR2 systems. This workshop will introduce REAL base station techniques and their supporting REAL device techniques for 5G and beyond 5G mm-wave systems. The feature of this workshop is that the latest information of not only Si-based MIMO and related devices but also GaN-based MIMO and related devices is given at a time. The workshop attendees, therefore, will be able to learn and understand a variety of technical issues, their countermeasures, and the latest results related to base station transmitters and devices of 5G FR2 at a time. Thus, it is expected that this workshop will be very useful for 5G amplifier designers; students, beginners or less-experienced circuit/device designers as well as experienced designers engaged in circuit- and device-suppliers for use in 5G and beyond 5G systems.


  1. “5G and Beyond 5G mm-Wave Market Trend and Related Technical Requirements” Yasunori Suzuki – NTT docomo
  2. “Millimeter-Wave Colocated- and Distributed-Massive-MIMO, its Spatial Division Multiplexing Selectivity and Energy Efficiency” Tomoya Kaneko – NEC
  3. “Advanced Millimeter-Wave GaN Power Amplifiers for BTS” Takuma Torii – Mitsubishi Electric
  4. “Highly Scalable GaN Processes for Millimeter Wave Front-End MMICs” Rémy Leblanc – OMMIC SAS
  5. “Qorvo mm-Wave MMIC Technology for 5G and Beyond” Shuoqi Chen – Qorvo
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IMS 2023 - Industry Keynote

Highly-Linear and Efficient mm-Wave GaN MMICs: Challenges in Model and Validation
Location: San Diego, CA, USA
Start date: 2023-06-15
End date:

Session: Th1G-4
Speaker: Jeong-sun Moon

Affiliation: HRL

Realizing high-performance mm-Wave 5G and beyond communication systems will require transistors with higher linearity and efficiency than current technology options. While GaN HEMTs offer excellent power density, their limited linearity and efficiency compromise overall system performance; this requires substantial DC power consumption and power back-off to circumvent. Here, we will present the linearity and efficiency of graded-channel GaN HEMTs with the linearity figure-of-merit, OIP3/PDC, of 20 dB at 30 GHz, well beyond the 10 dB rule of thumb. For power amplifier applications, a twotone PAE of 62% was obtained experimentally at 30 GHz, which is a state-of-the-art result. We find that ~3 dB back-off from peak PAE is sufficient to achieve a carrier to third-order intermodulation (C/IM3) ratio of 30 dBc. Recent Ka-band and Wband MMICs with graded-channel GaN technology illustrate their potential for future linear and efficient mmW applications. We will talk about challenges associated with accurate linearity and efficiency modeling and validation at mmW MMICs.

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IMS 2023 - Connected Futures Summit

SiGe Speaks to the Sky!
Location: San Diego, CA, USA
Start date: 2023-06-13
End date:

Session: Connected Futures Summit
Speaker: Pascal Chevalier 

Affiliation: STMicroelectronics

Exhibiting very steep growth, the deployment of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations is accompanied by a significant volume of user terminals (UT). Designed to track the satellites using phased-array antennas, UTs are key components and require the use of technologies optimized to meet performance targets and ready for consumer-like volumes.
This talk will discuss how Silicon Germanium (SiGe) BiCMOS, a long-standing technology at ST, addresses UT challenges thanks to its best-in-class performance in terms of noise figure, a key parameter as it directly links system performance with effective throughput.
We will look at how ST’s SiGe BiCMOS technology is used in the RF Front-End of several hundred elements per antenna. In addition to looking at the technology serving current UT production (B9MW), we will see what is being developed for the next generation of user terminals (B55X).

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IMS 2023 - Workshop

State-of-the-Art Millimeter-Wave GaN Transistor and MMIC Technologies and Future Perspective
Location: San Diego, CA, USA
Start date: 2023-06-11
End date:

Session: WSL
Organizers: Farid Mejdjoub
Keisuke Shinohara
Affiliation: CNRS – IEMN
/ Teledyne Scientific & Imaging

Owing to superior electrical and thermal properties of GaN-on-SiC material systems, a tremendous progress has been made on GaN-based transistor and MMIC technologies. Advanced heterostructure material designs, epitaxial growth techniques, and transistor scaling processes enabled GaN MMICs to extend their applications from microwave to millimeter-wave frequencies (up to W-band). Next-generation RF systems require high efficiency and high linearity for more complex modulation schemes to support very high data rates. The traditional trade-off among efficiency, linearity, and power density imposes performance limitations on GaN MMICs, which become more pronounced at millimeter-wave frequencies. In this workshop, world-leading experts will discuss present status, challenges, and future perspective of millimeter-wave GaN transistor and MMIC technologies, covering emerging materials and devices, device modeling, thermal management, reliability, and circuit designs.


  1. “Broadband mmW GaN MMICs: Technology Aspects and Design Examples” Fabian Thome – IAF Fraunhofer
  2. “N-polar GaN devices for efficiency and linearity” Matthew Guidry – UC Santa Barbara
  3. “High efficiency high robustness mmW AlN/GaN transistors” Farid Medjdoub – CNRS IEMN
  4. “Progress in Highly linear and efficient mm-Wave GaN HEMTs and MMIC” Jeong-sun Moon – HRL
  5. “Polarization-Engineered III-N mm-Wave Transistors for Linearity, Efficiency, and Reconfigurability” Patrick Fay – University of Notre Dame
  6. “GaN transistor reliability drivers – Temperature and electric fields” Martin Kuball – University of Bristol
  7. “The interplay between deep level effects and reliability in deep submicron-gate GaN HEMTs for rf applications” Enrico Zanoni – University of Padova
  8. “N-polar GaN HEMT Technology for Millimeter-wave Amplifiers using Commercial 4-inch Wafer Process Facilities” Kozo Makiyama – Sumitomo Electric Industries
  9. “ScAlN/GaN Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors for Ultra-high Power and Wide-band MMICs” Eduardo Chumbes – Raytheon
  10. “GaN Transistor Designs for Millimeter-Wave Applications” Keisuke Shinohara – Teledyne Scientific and Imaging
Show description

APMC 2022 - Short Course

Fundamentals of GaN HEMT Modeling and Power Amplifier Design
Location: Yokohama, Japan
Start date: 2022-11-29
End date:

Session: TU2-F5
Organizers: Kenjiro Nishikawa / Kazuya Yamamoto

Affiliation: Kagoshima University / Mitsubishi Electric

GaN HEMT modeling and its-based power amplifier design play the important role in realizing current microwave/millimeter-wave communications and radars systems. This course presents fundamentals of GaN HEMT modeling design. It also provides basics of power amplifier design while focusing on GaN HEMT-based high-efficiency power amplifiers. The presenters are a device and modeling engineers of the worldwide GaN leading suppliers and two experienced circuit designers of current GaN PAs. Therefore, attendees will be able to learn the circuit design methodology of power amplifiers as well as GaN HEMT modeling.

Course Syllabus:

  1. Fundametals and Modeling Techniques of GaN HEMT for Microwave Power Amplifiers” Hiroshi Yamamoto – Sumitomo Electric Industries
  2. Fundamentals of Microwave Power Amplifier Design” Yuji Komatsuzaki and Shuichi Sakata – Mitsubishi Electric
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BCICTS 2022 - Plenary Session

Device Modeling Tools and their Application to SiGe HBT Development
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Start date: 2022-10-17
End date:

Session: Plenary – 3
Speaker: Michael Schroter

Affiliation: Technische Universität Dresden

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EuMW 2022 - Tom Brazil Doctoral School

Build a Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave Radar in 1-day
Location: Milan, Italy
Start date: 2022-09-25
End date:

Session: 12th Tom Brazil Doctoral School of Microwaves
Chair: David Ricketts

Affiliation: North Carolina State University

09:00 – 10:40 Introduction and Theory of FMCW Radars and System Simulation of a 2.4 GHz Radar
10:40 – 11:20   Coffee Break
11:20 – 13:00   Hands-on Session 1: Radar Component Design and Simulation
13:00 – 14:20   Lunch
14:20 – 16:00   Hands-on Session 2 : Radar Component Fabrication
16:00 – 16:40   Coffee Break
16:40 – 17:30   Hands-on Session 3: Radar component testing and system assembly
17:30 – 18:20   Testing of Radars with Teams
18:20 – 18:30  Tom Brazil Fellowship Awards shortlist announcement

Show description

IMS 2022 - Workshop

RF Large-Signal Transistor Performance Limits Related to Reliability and Ruggedness in Mobile Circuit Applications
Location: Denver, CO, USA
Start date: 2022-06-20
End date:

Session: WMH
Organizers: Michael Schroter / Peter Zampardi

Affiliation: Technische Universität Dresden / Qorvo

The focus of the workshop is to provide an overview on transistor performance limits in terms of reliably achievable RF output power of various semiconductor technologies that are presently competing for mobile radio-frequency (RF) applications such as 5G, 6G, automotive radar and imaging, operating in the mm-wave frequency range (ie 30GHz to 300GHz). Of particular interest here are power amplifiers, oscillators, Mach-Zehnder-interferometers, and all sorts of RF buffer circuits that drive transistors to their dynamic large-signal limits and are implemented in semiconductor technologies such as III-V HBTs, SiGe HBTs and FDSOI-CMOS. The presentations will explore the presently quite heterogeneous approaches for determining the transistor related safe-operating-area in terms of reliability and ruggedness for designing circuits that are supposed to deliver high output power at high frequencies in mobile applications. The workshop starts with a tutorial on the design specifications of the above mentioned circuits and the corresponding requirements for large-signal dynamic transistor operation up to the mm-wave region. Based on this motivation, several presentations will outline, for each of the technologies, the state-of-the-art of transistor characterization for RF ruggedness as well as the device physics that cause degradation and the modeling approaches for including reliability aspects in process design kits. The workshop concludes with a tutorial on existing measurements methods for large-signal device testing in the mm-wave range.


  1. Mobile Large-Signal RF Circuits: Design Perspective” Nils Pohl – Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  2. Characterizing and Modeling of Safe Operating Area for SiGe NPNs in Tower’s SBC18 Technology” Samir Chaudhry – Tower Semiconductor
  3. Load-Pull Based RF Reliability Investigations of SiGe HBTs” Michael Schroter – Technische Universität Dresden
  4. III-V HBT Reliability” Brian Moser – Qorvo
  5. III-V HBT Reliability Related Device Physics” Peter Zampardi – Qorvo
  6. 22FDX MOSFET Technology — RF/mm-Wave Reliability” Wafa Arfauoi – GLOBALFOUNDRIES
  7. VNA-Based Large-Signal Characterization of Electronic Devices at Sub-mm-Wave Frequencies” Luca Galatro – Vertigo Technologies
Show description

IMS 2022 - Workshop

GaN/GaAs Technology Development and Heterogeneous Integration for Emerging mm-Wave Applications
Location: Denver, CO, USA
Start date: 2022-06-20
End date:

Session: WMI
Ko-Tao Lee / Guillaume Callet
Affiliation: Qorvo / Mitsubishi Electric

Advances in GaN/GaAs technology and integration development have enabled RF module switching at extremely high frequency that Si devices can’t withstand. It has shaped the landscape of RF industry and enabled applications in mmWave frequency bands. In this full-day workshop, 9 talks will be presented from industrial leaders and technical experts across the globe. It covers the major breakthrough from the latest development of GaN/GaAs technology and integration, including 1) heterogeneous integration of GaN/GaAs MMIC, 2) exploratory RF devices for mmWave, and 3) applications and use-cases for mmWave technologies. In the closing of the workshop, an interactive panel discussion will be conducted between speakers and audiences.


  1. Emerging Millimeter Wave Device and Integration Technology – Next Generation GaN and Beyond” Thomas E. Kazior – DARPA
  2. Millimeter-Wave Scalable Unconstrained Broadband Arrays (MMW SCUBA)” Ryan Walsh – Northrop Grumman
  3. Advanced Interconnects for Heterogeneous Integration of GaN and GaAs RF MMICs” Deep Dumka – Qorvo, Inc.
  4. Millimeter wave GaN MMICs for 5G and satellite communication systems” Koji Yamanaka – Mitsubishi Electric
  5. MMIC and integration technologies for best-in-class mm-Wave component solutions from 24 GHz up to E-band” Jesse Riedl – United Monolithic Semiconductors
  6. Compound Technologies Advancement for mmWave Applications – from a Commercial Foundry Perspective” Barry J. Lin – Wavetek Microelectronics
  7. Research and Development of GaN-based HEMTs for Millimeter- and Terahertz-Wave Wireless Communications” Issei Watanabe – National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
  8. GaN integration in FOWLP” Michael Pretl – Rohde and Schwarz
  9. Integrated compound semiconductor circuits – a 6G communications systems perspective” Kristoffer Andersson – Ericsson
Show description

IMS 2022 - Workshop

Micro and Nano Technology Challenges to Address 6G Key Performance Indicators
Location: Denver, CO, USA
Start date: 2022-06-19
End date:

Session: WSD
Didier Belot / Wolfgang Heinrich
Affiliation: CEA-LETI / FBH


Telecom communities are beginning to prepare the next generation of mobile telecom, the 6G, and present KPIs going to the Tbps, 300GHz carrier frequency, space multiplexing, spectrum agility, dense Massive MIMO, wide bands, and so forth. Serving these challenges, microelectronics communities must re-think their medium term roadmap: what role can CMOS processes play? Is SiGe HBT a good answer to these KPIs? Do we need more exotic technologies such as III-V HBT or HEMT? How to do Heterogeneous Integrations, in a 3D approach? How to integrate antennas and passives?


  1. Toward 6G: From New Hardware Design to Wireless Semantic and Goal-Oriented Communication Paradigms” Emilio Calvanese Strinati – CEA-LETI
  2. Technology Challenges for 6G” Nadine Collaert & Piet Wambacq – IMEC
  3. Advanced 200mm and 300mm RF SOI and BiCMOS Technologies Targeting 5G and Beyond (6G) RF Front-End Module SOC” Frederic Gianesello – STMicroelectronics
  4. SiGe HBT for mm-Wave and THz Applications” Mohamed Hussein Eissa – IHP
  5. 2.5D and 3D Integrations for mm-Wave and THz Applications” Tanja Braun – Fraunhofer IZM
  6. FinFET CMOS for mm-Wave Applications” Stefano Pellerano & Said Rami – Intel
  7. InP HBT for mm-Wave and THz Applications” Wolfgang Heinrich – FBH
  8. 100nm to 40nm GaN-on-Si for mm-Wave Application” Remy Leblanc – OMMIC
  9. InGaAs mHEMTs: Technology and Circuit Aspects for mm-Wave and THz Applications” Fabian Thome – Fraunhofer IAF
  10. A Technology-Design Roadmap Addressing 300GHz Connectivity” Baudouin Martineau – CEA-LETI
Show description

EuMW 2019 - Workshop

Real Amplifier Devices for 5G New Radios
Location: Paris, France
Start date: 2019-09-29
End date:

Session: WS – 04
Chair/Vice-Chair: Kazutaka Inoue / Kazuya Yamamoto
Affiliation: Sumitomo Electric Industries / Mitsubishi Electric


Various RF front-end technologies based on GaN, Si-CMOS etc. for 5G new radios (NRs) base stations have been discussed in major conferences up to now. Now, the 3GPP has announced that 5G standards have been completed for services. This workshop introduces not fantastic but “real” 5G devices and systems accordingly while focusing on sub-6 GHz power amplifiers and 28 GHz transmitters. In addition, the workshop covers recent progress in RF devices, circuits, assembly, and phased array systems not only for 5G base stations but also for 5G handsets. These above hottest 5G NR topics will be provided by real 5G base-station manufacturers and real device suppliers.

The workshop attendees, therefore, will be able to learn and understand a variety of technical issues, their countermeasures, and the latest results related to base station transmitters and handset amplifiers of 5G NRs at a time. Thus, it is expected that this workshop will be very useful for 5G amplifier designers; beginners or less-experienced circuit/device designers as well as experienced designers engaged in circuit- and device-suppliers for use in 5G NRs.


  1. Overview of 5G and expectations for RF front-end” Hiroshi Okazaki – NTT DOCOMO, INC
  2. GaN HEMT Power Amplifiers for 5G Base Stations” James Wong – Sumitomo Electric Europe Ltd.
  3. GaN Technology Challenges with 5G Infrastructure Applications” Monte Miller – NXP Semiconductors, USA
  4. Advances in 5G handset RF front-ends: PAs and filters” Florinel Balteanu – Skyworks Solutions Inc.
  5. Envelope tracking power amplifiers for 4G/5G mobile handset applications” Kenji Mukai – Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
  6. 100nm and sub 100nm GaN/Si MMIC processes : The perfect complement to mmW 5G applications” Marc Rocchi – OMMIC
  7. GaN HEMT Technologies for 5G Base Station Amplifiers” Kazutaka Inoue – Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.
Show description

EuMW 2019 - Workshop

RF Technologies & Techniques for Multi-Band (High) Power Amplifiers for Radars and Communications
Location: Paris, France
Start date: 2019-09-29
End date:

Session: WS-08
Chair/Vice-Chair: Gabriele Formicone / Guillaume Callet
Affiliation: Integra Technologies / UMS


Latest or emerging trends in radar and communications take advantage of operation over multiple frequency bands to achieve system capabilities unobtainable through operation over a standard frequency band. One example of such trend is clearly manifested in wireless communications with carrier aggregation and multi-band front-ends. Wireless communications over multiple bands enable higher data rates and these low power systems can take advantage of the latest developments in tunable and reconfigurable components. Other examples of RF systems operating over multiple bands are dual-band transponders and transceivers for satcom or telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C). Similarly, although operating at much higher power levels compared to multi-band communication systems, a radar operating over multiple bands has the capability of providing greater functionality. For example, a radar operating at S and X band (DBR, Raytheon) or C and X band (Kronos, Leonardo), or S and C band, or X and Ka band (GEMINI-DB) can provide an unprecedented level of performance and capability to detect and track hostile targets or higher resolution and more information in remote sensing applications. Such multi-band RF systems require sub-system components such as power amplifiers, antennas, filters, switches, etc. with unprecedented design challenges. This workshop focuses on RF technologies and techniques available for power amplifiers operating over multiple bands. Being a relatively new field, power amplifier design techniques are still evolving without a fully established methodology. Moreover, although multi-band communication systems operate over relatively close multiple bands, where broadband / wideband power amplifier techniques can be quite successful, multi-band radar frequency bands tend to be very far apart where traditional broadband / wideband techniques may not yield the best performance. For instance, broadband / wideband power amplifier techniques require very expensive trade-offs in terms of efficiency, gain and power level. Therefore, innovative ideas suitable for such emerging systems are strongly desired with the potential to achieve higher RF performance metrics in terms of efficiency, gain and power level. This workshop reviews the RF and MW technologies and techniques available to the designers today, with the hope of opening a debate and stimulating new ideas and maybe identifying new directions of research and development which could lead to future multi-band high power amplifiers with superior performance than achievable today.

A tentative outline of the agenda for the workshop is the following:
1) Introduction: Multi-Band Communications and Radar Systems Requirements and Considerations
2) Review of Solid-State RF & MW technologies and Travelling Wave Tubes for Multi-Band RF PAs
3) Review of Broadband / Wideband Design Techniques for Multiband Communication and Radar Systems
4) Power Amplifier Architecture implementation: MMIC and / or multi-chip planar / hybrid module
5) Review of other components (switches, antennas, etc.) for Multi-Band RF Systems
6) Conclusions and discussions


  1. X-band Compact Dual-Polarimetric Doppler Radar using GaN Power Amplifier Module” Takuo Kashiwa – Furuno Electric Co.
  2. High-power solid-state amplifier modules for Multi-Band coherent radar systems” Giorgio Pizziol – GEM Elettronica
  3. Microwave developments for new Airborne Antennas” Yves Mancuso – Thales DMS
  4. Advanced AESA architectures based on new GaN Solutions” Claudio Lanzieri – Leonardo Company
  5. Technologies and architectures for space-borne highefficiency RF power amplifiers” Václav Valenta – ¹European Space Agency (ESA)
  6. GaN Technologies for Multi-band/Broadband Power Amplifiers” Rüdiger Quay – IAF-Fraunhofer: Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid-State Physics
  7. High Power RF Pallet Solutions for Radar Systems from UHF to S-band” Gabriele Formicone – Integra Technologies, Inc.
  8. High efficiency Wideband Power amplifier using Envelop tracking technology for high data rate communication application” Wilfried Demenitroux, Stéphane Dellier – Thales Group, Wupatec
  9. Multi-band High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers for Concurrent Signal Transmission” Zoya Popovic – University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
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IMS 2019 - Workshop

5G: mmW Power Amplifiers & Technology Benchmarking
Location: Boston, MA, USA
Start date: 2019-06-03
End date:
Session: WMC 
Organizers: Didier Belot / Eric Kerhervé
Affiliation: CEA-LETI / IMS (UMR5218)
5G spectrum is presently open world-wide to sub-6GHz and mm-Wave bands at 26GHz, 28GHz, and other bands at 40GHz, 60GHz (V) and 71-86GHz (E) are under evaluation in most parts of the world. Different power amplifier architectures and process technology approaches are in competition to cover these 5G opened bands. This workshop will benchmark the state-of-the-art power amplifier techniques targeting mm-Wave frequency for 5G applications, and will present the status of different processes addressing the Power Amplifier applications such as silicon based, III-V, GaN and InP technologies. Finally we will discuss the match between these technologies’ specificities and the different 5G application requests.


  1. Design Considerations for 5G mm-Wave Transmitters and Power Amplifiers” Stefan Andersson, Sven Mattisson, Fredrik Tillman – Ericsson – Abstract
  2. mm-Wave InP Power Amplifier for High Speed Wireless Communications” Hiroshi Hamada – NTT – Abstract
  3. mm-Wave GaN MMIC PA Design for High Efficiency and High Power” Zoya Popović – University of Colorado Boulder – Abstract
  4. PA Design in Silicon (SiGe & CMOS) and Other III-V Processes for Advanced Beamformed Applications” Eric Kerhervé, Vincent Knopik –  IMS (UMR 5218) Abstract
  5. Wideband GaN-Based Supply-Modulated Power Amplifier Systems” Olof Bengtsson, Sophie Paul, Sebastian Preis, Nikolai Wolff – FBH – Abstract
  6. Transmitter Architectures for PA Efficiency” Earl McCune – EMC2 – Abstract
  7. 5G High Power RF Front-End Solution for Ka-Band” Mohammed Ayad, Laurent Marechal – UMS – Abstract
  8. Process Technology Benchmarking for mm-Wave PA” Didier Belot – CEA-LETI – Abstract
Show description

IMS 2019 - Workshop

Exploratory Semiconductor Devices for the 5G mm-Wave Era and Beyond
Location: Boston, MA, USA
Start date: 2019-06-03
End date:
Session: WMA
Organizers: Guillaume Callet / Ko-Tao Lee
Affiliation: UMS / IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Over the past decades, the RF/microwave community has expanded and benefited from the rapid development of the semiconductor industry. Advances in exploratory materials and structures have enabled devices switching at higher frequency, while keeping a compact form factor and increasing energy efficiency. These devices are now reaching the level of industrial maturity to meet the requirements for 5G power applications at mm-wave frequencies and beyond. In this one-day workshop, nine invited talks from semiconductor experts, academic researchers and the global end-users will be presented. The workshop will cover all key aspects of advanced technologies for 5G, including 1) mm-wave GaN devices and integration, 2) ultra broadband RF SoC, 3) integration for RF transceivers, and 4) wafer-level packaging for high frequency devices. It will give the attendees a comprehensive exposure to the latest 5G technological solutions and breakthrough.


  1. Emerging Ultra Broadband RF SoC Technologies” Young-Kai Chen – DARPA – Abstract
  2. GaN for 5G Applications: FinFETs, CMOS and Vertical Transistors” Tomás Palacios – MIT – Abstract
  3. Exploiting the Unique Properties of GaN for Next Wave of Mobile Communications” Nadine Collaert – IMEC – Abstract
  4. mm-Wave GaN Device for 5G” Akira Inoue – Mitsubishi Electric – Abstract
  5. Heterogeneous Integration for WLP RF Transceivers : Challenges and Issues” Didier Floriot – UMS – Abstract
  6. Fully Integrated GaN-on-Si Devices: A CMOS Compatible Solution for the Next Generation RF and Power Electronics” Ko-Tao Lee – IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Abstract
  7. Silicon Semiconductor Technologies for the 5G mm-Wave Era and Beyond” Alvin Joseph – GLOBALFOUNDRIES – Abstract
  8. Wafer Level Packaging Technologies for High Frequency Device Applications” John Hunt – ASE – Abstract
  9. Opportunities for Heterogenous Integration of GaN/RF CMOS in 5G mm-Wave Systems” Kristoffer Andersson – Ericsson
Show description