News Blog

August 2023 WIM Column
August 2023 WIM Column

Community Building In the July/August IEEE Microwave Magazine WIM column I interviewed two of our newest WIM subcommittee members, Marie Mertens and Aurea Edna Moreno-Mojica. These young women, along with others who participate in the many events that MTT-S has to offer, were so inspired by their collective experiences that they joined WIM as well […]

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July 2023 WIM Column
July 2023 WIM Column

WiSE At Microwave and Radar Week 2002 WIM is flourishing around the globe! Malgorzata Celuch of QWED Sp/ z o.o., Warszawa, Poland, has contributed a wonderful article to the XX edition of IEEE Microwave Magazine describing the 2022 MIKON Polish microwave conference, part of the Microwave and Radar Week (MRW) 2022 presented by the Polish […]

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June 2023 WIM Column
June 2023 WIM Column

The Last, But Not the Least Mohaira Ahmad shares her heart-warming journey in the world of microwaves for the June IEEE Microwave Magazine WIM column. She describes her experiences growing up in Pakistan and trying to pursue an engineering career in a culture that does not value women pursuing technical roles. Fortunately, her family was […]

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May 2023 WIM Column
May 2023 WIM Column

Johana Yan and Jasmin Grosinger kindly contributed an article in the May issue of IEEE Microwave Magazine informing IMS2023 attendees about Women in Microwaves (WIM) events being hosted by MTT-S. The traditional WIM networking reception will continue on Tuesday, June 13 at the Hilton Bayfront Hotel from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. This year’s reception will […]

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April 2023 WIM Column
April 2023 WIM Column

The Rich History of Women in Tech In my January WIM column in IEEE Microwave Magazine, “IEEE MTT-S MGA WIM Subcommittee: Who We Are and What We Do,” I mentioned two WIM promotional videos that have been developed to educate and inspire women in engineering. In my April WIM column, I delve into more detail […]

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March 2023 WIM Column
March 2023 WIM Column

Why I Am an IEEE Senior Member The march issue of IEEE Microwaves features in our Women in Microwaves column an article,”Why I Am an IEEE Senior Member,” by Janine Love. Janine has been a longtime editor at publications such as Microwave Journal, Microwaves & RF, and Signal Integrity Journal and is now technical marketing […]

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February 2023 WIM Column
February 2023 WIM Column

Distinguished Microwave Lectures: An Enriching Experience for MTT-S Members and Speakers The February Women in Microwaves column in IEEE Microwaves Magazine spotlights the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) Distinguished Microwave Lecturers (DML) program, which enables chapters to host speakers who are experts in their fields. The women who contributed to this article noticed […]

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January 2023 WIM Column
January 2023 WIM Column

The MTT-S MGA WIM Subcommittee: Who We Are and What We Do! The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Women in Microwaves (WIM) Subcommittee is dedicated to building a network of women in microwaves that attracts, scales, and connects. We do that by promoting women engineers/scientists in the microwave […]

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November 2022 WIM Column
November 2022 WIM Column

‘IMS2023: Perspective from the Top’ Gayle Collins has written an insightful article for the IEEE Microwaves Magazine WIM column on some of her experiences as a woman engineer and how much she is looking forward to the International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2023 in San Diego: “it will be the coolest show.” The IMS2023 organizing committee […]

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December 2022 WIM Column
December 2022 WIM Column

‘RWW 2023 WIM Event: Distinguished Women in Microwaves’ The December 2022 Women in Microwaves (WIM) column in IEEE Microwaves Magazine featured an article by Jasmin Grosinger giving us a sneak peek at the exciting WIM event being planned for the 2023 IEEE Radio & Wireless Week (RWW) being held the week of January 22 in […]

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October 2022 WiM Column
October 2022 WiM Column

Innovative Competition at IMS2022 Showcases the Next Generation of RF/Microwave Designers I had the honor for the fourth year in a row of being the moderator for the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition at the International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in June of this year. Now in its sixth year, at IMS, this unique event challenges […]

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September 2022 WIM Column
September 2022 WIM Column

Fauziahanim Binti Che Seman is featured in the September issue of IEEE Microwaves Magazine discussing her experiences as a woman in microwaves, where she believes the keys to success include networking, making connections, reputation, and mentoring. She states that networking starts within a small circle of people linked by mutual interests and meaningful communication, strengthened […]

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August 2022 WIM Column
August 2022 WIM Column This August edition of Microwave Magazine features a question-and-answer session with me and Charlotte Blair, “2021 MTT-S President’s Task Force on Mentoring, Diversity, and Inclusion: A Conversation Between WIM Members” Charlotte and I discuss our involvement with the 2021 MTT-S task force and talk about the strides that have been made in the past […]

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July 2022 WIM Column
July 2022 WIM Column The July WIM column features a recap by Prof. Rodica Ramer, who organized the very successful WIM event at the 2021 APMC conference, which was to be held in Brisbane, Australia, but because of health restrictions, became a virtual event. The hour-and-a-half event featured seven virtual speakers from around the world discussing their research, […]

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June 2022 WIM Column
June 2022 WIM Column As we head into IMS2022 and the 2022 IMS Women in Microwaves (WIM) event, I wanted to reflect for my WIM column in this June edition of Microwaves Magazine on how far we’ve come since my first WIM event back in 2010, gosh 12 years ago! From a cocktail party in 2010, which, thanks […]

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May 2022 WIM Column
May 2022 WIM Column The Women in Microwaves (WIM) column in this May edition of IEEE Microwave Magazine features candid thoughts from members of the IMS2022 WIM event committee, comprising Prof. Zoya Popovic ́ of the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU) and her graduate students, both male and female. For this interview, I wanted to understand not […]

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