
IMS 2016 Workshop WFE:  Phase Change Material Switches for a New Class of Microwave Control Components
IMS 2016 Workshop WFE: Phase Change Material Switches...

MTT-13 proposed and organized this workshop on the Friday of Microwave Week 2016 in San Francisco, CA. The workshop provided an updated perspective on emerging phase-change switch materials and devices for applications such as microwave switching, impedance tuning, and tunable filters and antennas. More information is available at Thanks to Harvey Newman (US Naval […]

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IMS2022 Workshops Endorsed by MTT-25
IMS2022 Workshops Endorsed by MTT-25

WMI: Wireless Power Transmission – Myths and Reality Organizers: Nuno Carvalho, Zoya Popovic Organizer organizations: Universidade de Aveiro, University of Colorado, Boulder, Location: Auditorium 1 Abstract Wireless power transmission (WPT) has gained a lot of attention over the past decade, and various applications have been proposed, from low-power IoT device non-directive powering to beaming millimeter waves for propulsion. The […]

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Proposed IMS 2016 Workshop: Frequency Agile Antennas And Sensors Using Advanced Control Materials
Proposed IMS 2016 Workshop: Frequency Agile Antennas...

This workshop is a half-day forum for the latest developments in reconfigurable antennas and sensors technologies made possible by groundbreaking advances in materials science and engineering. Reconfigurability, frequency agility, and other innovative capabilities and enhanced performance have become possible in recent years with the remarkable progress made in control materals. Among the specific technological advances […]

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Student Competitions
Student Competitions

The goal for the competitors is to compensate the distortion that a GaN power amplifier introduces in a realistic burst-signal scenario. The competition will be based on a unique remote-controlled “WebLab”, which gives everyone access to an advanced wideband modulated PA measurement setup! Students participating in the competition will use the “WebLab” for the development […]

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