TC-16 Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Packaging, Interconnect and Integration Committee

Mission Statement

Technical Committee 16 deals with topics relating to microwave interconnects and packaging and includes questions of materials, modeling, standards, and manufacturing. The committee defines a package as a structure that supports and interconnects disparate technologies. This definition covers a broad variety of structures ranging from the common surface mount package, which supports a semiconductor die and interconnects it with a printed circuit board, to microwave-photonic packaging which supports both electrical and optical technologies and their interconnections. Other package-impacted technologies with which MTT-16 has become involved in recent years include; MEMS, active antennas, millimeter -wave devices, and System-in-Package concepts. The interest level in MTT-16 topics remains quite high because cost pressure and miniaturization has increased integration levels. This trend results in fewer packages per system; however, each package is highly sophisticated. MTT-16 works to disseminate and promote the rapid advances that are taking place in this area. One major function of the committee is the organization of special sessions, workshops, panel session, and other forums for technical interchange. Ideas are discussed at the committee’s yearly meeting in June, and committee members chosen as organizers. Almost all proposed technical forums occur at the next year’s MTT symposium. Proposals are fleshed out during the summer and reviewed in the fall. Occasionally the technical focus of an event will overlap the mission of another technical committee, and joint sponsorship is sought. Efforts are made to avoid duplicate forums.

Field of Interest

* Multi-chip Modules
* System in Package
* Heterogeneous integration
* 3D printing/additive manufacturing
* Thermal management



Ask MTT – LinkedIn Group Got a microwave-related question? Join the “Ask MTT” LinkedIn Group! Post here and expect an answer from expert members of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S). These world-class experts are the closest we can get to the ancient Greek “Oracle” but you can trust their answers for sure. […]

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Microwave Magazine September 2023
Microwave Magazine September 2023

IEEE Microwave Magazine – September 2023 The September issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! We have a fascinating issue with something for everyone. We go from old school broadband amplifiers and filters to computer intelligence helping us design wireless power transfer systems and even quantum radar. This is a very diverse issue. Of […]

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Microwave Magazine August 2023
Microwave Magazine August 2023

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IEEE MTT-S Outstanding YP Lecturer Program: Call for Applications
IEEE MTT-S Outstanding YP Lecturer Program: Call for

  Call for Nominations Deadline: 31 December 2024   The IEEE MTT-S Outstanding YP Lecturer Program is a new program sponsored by the IEEE MTT-S Young Professionals (YP) Committee, which aims to inspire and educate MTT-S Young Professionals on diverse technical and non-technical topics, fostering deeper engagement in Microwave Theory and Technology, while promoting excellence […]

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T-MTT Editor-in-Chief: Call for Applicants
T-MTT Editor-in-Chief: Call for Applicants

IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Editor-in-Chief Call for Applicants Deadline: February 28, 2025 The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) invites applicants for the position of Editor-in-Chief (EiC) for the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technology (T-MTT) for a three–year term starting on January 1, 2026. The EiC organizes the peer […]

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Zhizhang (David) Chen as the incoming EiC of MWTL
Zhizhang (David) Chen as the incoming EiC of MWTL

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Zhizhang (David) Chen from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Dalhousie University, Canada, as the incoming Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters. The full biography of Prof. Chen is available here.

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