TC-1 provides leadership and support to the MTT community regarding all aspects of electromagnetic field theory and computational electromagnetics. It thus has a fundamental and empowering role, promoting the theoretical and computational foundations of all microwave technologies and applications.
Field of Interest
* Guiding and radiating structures
* Passive and active microwave components, circuits and systems
* The solution of multiphysics problems involving microwave fields.
* Modeling and characterization of natural and artificial materials.
* The advancement of analytical, semi-analytical and numerical methods for modeling and simulating microwave analog and high-speed digital systems and environments in the time and frequency domains.
* The electromagnetic field-based design, synthesis, and optimization of microwave components, circuits and systems.
Microwave Engineering Applications of Machine Learning:...
WORKSHOPS Title: Microwave Engineering Applications of Machine Learning: Past, Present and Future Place: International Microwave Symposium, Boston, MA Date: 2019-06-07 Description: The remarkable advances in the available computational power over the past few years, and those anticipated to come, have propelled machine learning algorithms (some developed decades ago) to the forefront of R&D in a […]
Microwaves in Quantum Computing
FOCUS SESSIONS Title: Microwaves in Quantum Computing Place: International Microwave Symposium, Boston, MA Date: 2019-06-04 Description: The past few years have seen accelerated developments in the area of quantum computing. Some of the most viable quantum computing technologies are intimately related to microwave theory and techniques. This session will bring to the Microwave Symposium some […]
Theory and Applications of Wireless Power Transfer