Special Issue on Microwave Quantum Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Special Issue on
Microwave Quantum Engineering: Theory, Devices, Components, and Applications

Submission Deadline Extended: August 31, 2023
Publication Date: December 2023

The IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (T-MTT) will publish a Special Issue devoted to recent advances on Microwave Quantum Engineering. Authors of all papers relevant to topics of interest to T-MTT in quantum theory, devices, component and applications are invited to submit an expanded version of their papers to the Special Issue. Every paper will be reviewed by the T-MTT Editorial Board in the same manner as all other regular submissions to this publication.

Recent advances in quantum physical principles demonstrate a need for microwave/RF engineering to make advanced applications of quantum theory a reality. This special issue solicits papers that report on the latest achievements in microwave/RF quantum engineering that enable applications such as quantum sensing, computing, communications, radar and networking. Particular focus will be devoted to microwave devices and architectures for qubits, quantum circuit implementations, RF metrology using quantum principles and intersections of classical and quantum theories related to microwave engineering, waveguide/cavity/radiation design and analysis, microwave devices architectures for qubits, numerical schemes conceived for general-purpose quantum computers, quantum security schemes, quantum radars, quantum communication, quantum sensors, related performance under quantum noise, and quantum circuit implementation. Contributions from different areas will fit into this special issue: quantum devices, quantum systems and subsystems, components, quantum optics theory, mathematical methods for quantum information; computing architectures for solving large computational electromagnetic problems; quantum effects at the nanoscale; interaction between electromagnetic field and particles.

The submission is accomplished through the ScholarOne Manuscript Central website (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tmtt-ieee), in exactly the same way as any other regular MTT Transactions’ submission. When you prepare your manuscript, you should consult the Instructions for Authors (https://mtt.org/publications/t-mtt/information-for-authors/) and follow the T-MTT Word or LaTex Templates available there. Papers not following these templates cannot be accepted into the peer review process.

Please be aware that your contribution should be prepared as any other regular T-MTT paper, and that it will be evaluated via the same peer-review process. The quality of your contribution must meet the level required for a publication at the MTT Transactions. Since your contribution is an expanded version of your conference paper, it is important to note that, according to the instructions for authors, you must meet the following requirement:
“5. You must reference your own work, especially recent journal/conference publications. Discuss your related publications in the introduction and distinguish the new results you present in your current manuscript from those found in your previous publications. While there is not a specific criteria that must be met, such as 60% new technical material, the reviewers are asked to determine if the paper provides “sufficient new technical material to justify a new paper” when compared to all previously published papers. This standard must be met by all papers, including papers that are submitted to conference special issues. Note that longer introductions and lists of references do not qualify as “technical material.” It is acceptable to repeat some results to properly explain the concept and to create a self-contained paper for the reader, but this should be done only when necessary. Please attach PDF files of the previous papers.”
Because of the time required for a second review cycle, papers receiving a major revision decision are not guaranteed to be published in the SI, but may be published in a subsequent regular issue if, in the end, the paper is accepted.
In the unlikely event that the Special Issue does not have enough accepted papers, it will be canceled and its accepted papers will be scheduled for publication in subsequent regular issues of the MTT Transactions.
Other submission instructions:
(1) In the pull-down menu for “Manuscript Type”, please select “Microwave Quantum Special Issue”.
(2) Please note that only papers falling in the topics of interest of the MTT Transactions (https://mtt.org/publications/t-mtt/information-for-authors/) will be considered.

The due date for the paper submission is June 30, 2023 August 31, 2023. The expected publication date is December 2023.

If you have any question, please contact us at the following addresses:

Guest Editors:
Zoya Popovic
University of Colorado

Paolo Rocca
University of Trento

Gabriele Gradoni
University of Nottingham

Luis Enrique García Muñoz
Univ. Carlos III de Madrid