Inaugural & 70th Anniv. Issues

Our Inaugural Issue was released in January 2021

The IEEE Journal of Microwaves released a special print and open access online Inaugural Issue containing a set of invited papers in January 2021. This introductory issue includes 38 overview, review and historically-focused articles covering the full scope of the Microwave Theory and Technology Society. It also previews several of our  featured and recurring Editorial series including Microwave Pioneers and Industry Pioneers (first articles on Dr. John C. Mather, 2006 Nobel Laureate in Physics for discoveries and measurements related to the Cosmic Microwave Background, and Professor Carver Mead, who first demonstrated the majority carrier transistor (MESFET/HEMT) and is the originator of Moore’s Law, and Microwaves are Everywhere unveiling unusual or overlooked applications for microwaves – in this issue a brief history of the Cosmic Microwave Background Hiding in Plain Sight, to accompany the Pioneer piece on John C. Mather.  There is a special preface piece from popular science author Tom Lewis (Empire of the Air – the Men Who Made Radio) preceding our 5G articles. Future issues will add a Women in Microwaves series – coming in July 2021, highlighting significant female members of the Microwave Community in Industry and Academia and Breakthroughs in Microwaves – premiering in April 2021, featuring exciting new developments and in-person interviews.

A full color 512 page print version of our Inaugural Issue was released and distributed free to everyone who sent in a survey request for it in 2021. We still have copies available. If you would like one, please contact our Editor-in-Chief via email to see if arrangements can be made to mail one out to you. 


TITLES-AUTHORS-FULL ABSTRACTS for all articles in the Inaugural Issue

Opening Letter Introducing our new Journal



Announcing a very Special Two Part Issue

Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the MTT Society

Parts 1 and 2 now available on line in two issues of JMW:


Part 1:

Part 2:

The Microwave Theory and Technology Society is celebrating 70 years of service to the microwave engineering and science communities throughout 2022. This special issue of the IEEE Journal of Microwaves documents some of the many topic areas and significant contributions that have been made over the years.

General interest review articles, historic accounts, and new contributions highlighting developments that have come out of our rich historic narrative are included.