About the journal
The February issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue features passive component technologies and applications. With passive components we think of filters, baluns, power combining networks and antennas and this issue has a bit of all of these. Our first feature explores negative group delay in equalizers, phase shifters, antennas and feedforward amplifiers. Our second feature explores multi-mode resonators which adds a fascinating dimension to compact filters. And our third feature takes the increasingly popular world of balanced power dividers a step further with passive and active tuning. And just to round things out with passive components we have an Application Note on matching with a binomial multi-section transformer.
But don’t just take my word on this new issue. The Editor’s Desk column is where you should start for a tour of the issue and the importance of our conferences as well as publishing in the Magazine. Our columns give our readers a lot of information about the breadth of our society. Our new society president, Greg Lyons, gives us a tour of our administrative committee (AdCom) as well as detailed information on the president-elect and three re-elected AdCom members. The AdCom members put in an incredible amount of volunteer work each year to keep our society running.
Our MicroBusiness column examines how the pandemic has changed our travel and our business operation. Some of our columns are about technology – like our Microwave Surfing column discussing networking on the moon or our Enigmas column reviewing last month’s switching transistor circuit power dissipation problem and even our book reviews covering CMOS circuits for millimeter wave RADAR and 5G.
Many columns are about our society such as our President’s column and our Education news. This month the Education News covers a perfect topic for this pandemic world – our MTT-S webinars! There is a lot to enjoy in this issue. As always, check out the Conference Calendar!
By Alfy Riddle
Current issue