Three-Port Reflectionless Down-Converter for Wideband and Multichannel Receiver With Flat Gain, Enhanced EVM, and High Stability

Three-Port Reflectionless Down-Converter for Wideband and Multichannel Receiver With Flat Gain, Enhanced EVM, and High Stability

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2023.3334531   IEEEXplore:
Three-port reflectionless downconverter
The innovative design employs reflectionless filters at the IF, RF and LO ports to eliminate reflected signals and significantly reduce gain fluctuation and harmonic generation. The reflectionless design approach improves gain and linearity flatness and system stability, and enhances the error vector magnitude (EVM) and adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR) performance.
Wireless wideband high-order modulation and multi-channel carrier aggregation systems.
3.02% EVM for 300 MHz 256-QAM signal; 4.50% EVM for 400 MHz 64-QAM signal from 0 to 400MHz overlap bandwidth; 0.15% EVM difference between channels for 8 x 40 MHz 256 QAM carrier signals.