Photonics-Based Multidomain Features Extraction for Radio Frequency Signals

Photonics-Based Multidomain Features Extraction for Radio Frequency Signals

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2023.3325040   IEEEXplore:
Photonics-based RF analyzer with a mode-lock laser, optical tunable filter, dual-polarization dual-parallel Mach–Zehnder modulator, linear chirped fiber Bragg gratings before and after the Mach-Zehnder modulator, 2D receive antenna array, polarization beam splitter, photodetector pair and an oscilloscope.
6–16 GHz
Time-mapped Fourier transform (TM-FT) and optical interference captured by the 2D receive antenna array maps spectrum and angle of arrival (AOA) for RF signals. Chirped optical pulse with a MHz repetition rate enables wideband and transient RF signal analysis features.
Real-time multidomain features extraction and classification of RF signals in complex electromagnetic environments.
6 to 16 GHz ± 25 MHz accuracy with 60 MHz resolution; 4 GHz BW RF signals, 5 ns RF transient signals; ±40° 2D angle of arrival with less than ±2.5° error.