Liquid Metal-Enabled Filtering Switches and Switchplexers

Liquid Metal-Enabled Filtering Switches and Switchplexers

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2024.3357968   IEEEXplore:
Via-Pad-Slot (VPS) structures on substrate-integrated waveguides (SIW) switched using liquid metal (LM) for a single-pole-triple-throw (SPTT) filtering switch and a 3-channel switchplexer
X-Band, 9.56-10.44 GHz for the SPTT filtering switch X-Band, 9.76-10.33 GHZ, 10.61-10.99 GHz and 11.08--11.55 GHz for the 3-channel switchplexer
Two crisscrossed 5th-order single-pole-single-throw (SPST) switches in a physical cross arrangement form a SPTT switch that can switch 3-ways and match 2-ways depending on the states of the VPS structures. The switchplexer is a T-junction multiplexer with seven possible states that allow filter switching functions, diplexer functions and a multiplex function depending on the states of the VPS structures.
Reconfigurable and tunable fiters, filtering switches and switchplexers, multifunctional circuits and systems.
40 dB or better suppression at 8 and 12 GHz, 1.55 dB insertion loss and 58 dB isolation at 10 GHz for the SPTT filtering switch; 50 dB suppression and 50dB isolation for the switchplexer;