Enhancing Beat-to-Beat Analysis of Heart Signals With Respiration Harmonics Reduction Through Demodulation and Template Matching

Enhancing Beat-to-Beat Analysis of Heart Signals With Respiration Harmonics Reduction Through Demodulation and Template Matching

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2023.3324444   IEEEXplore: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10297954
CW quadrature Doppler radar with a 100 Hz sampling rate
2.4 GHz
1) The respiration harmonics content of the heart signal is significantly reduced with arctangent demodulation of the I and Q channel signals. 2) The heart signal is extracted from the AD signal with signal processing techniques incorporating multiresolution analysis, maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) and a template matching filter (TMF).
Up to 87.14% reduction in respiration harmonic content of the I-channel signal and 83.03% reduction for Q-channel by arctangent demodulation; 12.43 ms mean absolute error (MAE) of the beat-to-beat interval (BBI).