Design and Extensive NPR Characterization of a Highly Linear SatCom GaN MMIC Doherty PA

Design and Extensive NPR Characterization of a Highly Linear SatCom GaN MMIC Doherty PA

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2024.3474092   IEEEXplore:
Highly Linear Doherty PA MMIC in 100 nm GaN-SI HEMT Technology
17.3-20.3 GHz (Ka band)
AM/PM and IMR one-tone and two-tone design methodologies are applied to achieve highly linear PA NPR design requirements. NPR performance is extensively assessed with regard to signal statistics and nonlinearity effects and compared to two-tone approximations to validate the design approach. The amplifier chain is optimized to limit phase distortion. A Doherty combiner compensates for the residual phase distortion. Baseband impedance is optimized to further reduce phase distortion and enhance PA linearity.
Satellite communications wide band operation in the Ka band.
36 dBm output power with 3.0 GHz bandwidth (BW) and 30% power-added efficiency (PAE) across the band. 25% or better PAE at -15 dB or better noise power ratio (NPR) over 2.9 GHz BW.