A Highly Linear D-Band I/Q Receiver With Active Mixer-First Architecture in SiGe Technology

A Highly Linear D-Band I/Q Receiver With Active Mixer-First Architecture in SiGe Technology

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2023.3328481   IEEEXplore: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10314467
I/Q receiver with an active mixer first architecture in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS with ƒT/ƒMAX = 300/500 GHz and 1 GHz IF
125 – 165 GHz (D-band)
The active mixer first architecture significantly improves compression performance, significantly reduces DC power consumption, and significantly reduces the chip area for the receiver.
Radar applications for high precision, high resolution sensing of range, velocity and angular direction; high resolution imaging; material characterization of structures to a millimeter; vital signs monitoring.
12.7 dB conversion gain (CG) at 140 GHz with 40 GHz 3 dB RF bandwidth; 8.2 dB noise figure (NF) at 140 GHz, better than 9 dB over 40 GHz BW; -3.5 dBm 1 dB compression point input referred, 8.2 dB output-referred; 34 mW power consumption at 3.0 VDC; 0.24 mm2 chip area.