A 200-GHz Four-Element Phased-Array Receiver System-in-Package Using HTCC Technology for Sub-Terahertz Communications

A 200-GHz Four-Element Phased-Array Receiver System-in-Package Using HTCC Technology for Sub-Terahertz Communications

DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2023.3343396   IEEEXplore: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10372142
Four-element phase array receiver packaged in a high temperature co-fired ceramic (HTCC) system-in-package (SiP).
200 GHz
The innovative 3D layered packaging is complete with an Al-alloy parabolic reflector phased-array antenna and waveguide feeder, and a 25-layer HTTC SiP with four channels sandwiched between two AlSi frames with vertical waveguides, covers, and SSMP connectors for the LO input and the four IF outputs. The HTCC SIP fabrication process is to bond components and quartz microstrip lines to the substrate with silver epoxy. This approach reduces the impact of physical discontinuities and reduces transmission losses. The layer structure of the integrated four-element offset-fed parabolic reflector phased-array antenna is innovative and high performing.
High data rate communications, high resolution imaging and biomolecular spectroscopy.
42 dB peak gain with antenna, 8.2-23 dB channel gain, 194.5-234.5 GHz; 7.5-9.4 dB noise figure, 196-215 GHz (lower sideband); ±30° scanning range in the E-plane; 32 Gbps OTA data rate (16-QAM over 11.24m); 2.7 W power dissipation (PD).