Women in Microwaves

Women in Microwaves Virtual Meet-Up March 2021
Women in Microwaves Virtual Meet-Up March 2021

This month, the Women in Microwaves Committee kicked off a new virtual event called “Virtual Meet-Ups.” The intent is to offer these quarterly in Regions1-6 as well as adopt globally before too long. Virtual Meet-Ups Our goals for offering WIM Virtual Meet-Ups include: ● Grow our community of members ● Better engage with and increase […]

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WIM session during IWS2018
WIM session during IWS2018

As part of the 2018 China Microwave Week (CMW2018), the 2018 International Wireless Symposium (IWS2018) was held in Chengdu, China on May 7 -9, 2018. The CMW2018 has drawn around 1500 attendees. Along with the conference, one special session on Women in Microwaves and Wireless organized by WIM subcommittee was also successfully held in the […]

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