
Microwave Magazine April 2019
Microwave Magazine April 2019

IEEE Microwave Magazine – April 2019 The April magazine issue is out and it features IMS2019 Microwave Week in Boston. This issue features five articles and instead of our regular columns we mainly have columns from the IMS Steering Committee describing what will happen at the IMS. The few regular columns we have are the […]

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Microwave Magazine March 2019
Microwave Magazine March 2019

IEEE Microwave Magazine – March 2019 The March issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! And this issue focuses on designing circuits. The title of the issue is “Completing the Circuit.” The circuit design feature articles describe the techniques of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) design, satellite communication filters designed considering temperature, and connector transition […]

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Robert J. Trew Passed Away
Robert J. Trew Passed Away

Dear colleagues and friends, I am deeply saddened to inform you that another IEEE MTT-S Past President Robert J. Trew passed away on 24th February 2019. More information will be available shortly. Dominique Schreurs MTT-S  President 2019

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George Oltman Passed Away
George Oltman Passed Away

Dear colleagues and friends, It is with our great sorrow to inform you that the IEEE MTT-S Past President George Oltman passed away on 21st February 2019. More information will be available shortly. Dominique Schreurs MTT-S  President 2019

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John T. Barr IV Named 2017 IEEE Haraden Pratt Award Recipient
John T. Barr IV Named 2017 IEEE Haraden Pratt Award

MTT-S colleague John T. Barr IV has been named recipient of the 2017 IEEE Haraden Pratt Award, presented to an IEEE Senior member or Fellow for outstanding volunteer service to IEEE, with the citation “For sustained leadership and service across IEEE and Society levels.” He iretired from Agilent Technologies/Hewlett-Packard in Santa Rosa, Calif., R&D Manager/Director […]

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May iWEM2016 Electromagnetics in Nanjing
May iWEM2016 Electromagnetics in Nanjing

On May 16-18, 2016, the 2016 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics (IEEE iWEM2016) ( was held successfully in Nanjing, China. iWEM started in Taipei in 2010 and was named as “International Conference on Applications of Electromagnetism and Student Innovation Awards” (2010 ICAE/SIA). The conference was renamed in 2011 as “IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications […]

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5G Focus: Peaceful Coexistence in the mmWave Frontier
5G Focus: Peaceful Coexistence in the mmWave Frontier

The electromagnetic spectrum at frequencies above 6 GHz is sometimes depicted as a frontier wide open for 5G settlement. In fact, though, the landscape is dotted with established users whose territory must not be disturbed. These outposts include Fixed Services (FS, used for wireless backhaul in cellular communications) and Fixed Satellite Services (FSS, used to […]

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Call for Nominations of Candidates to the MTT-S Administrative Committee
Call for Nominations of Candidates to the MTT-S Administrative

The IEEE MTT-S Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for candidates to the Administrative Committee (AdCom) for the 2018-2020 term. Nomination Procedure: Nomination may be made by sending the name of a candidate to the AdCom Nominations and Appointments Committee at Requirements: Members submitting names should first obtain the consent of the […]

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Get Up to Speed on 5G with Free MTT-S and IEEE Webinars
Get Up to Speed on 5G with Free MTT-S and IEEE Webinars

The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, other IEEE Societies, and additional IEEE resources offer a wealth of information on 5G communications (and its alter ego, the Internet of Things). In addition to more than 3,200 technical papers indexed under “5G mobile communications” on IEEEXplore, the trove includes webinars and videos aimed at bringing members […]

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Young Professionals' Career Workshop at Radio & Wireless Week, 16 January
Young Professionals' Career Workshop at Radio &...

IEEE MTT-S Young Professionals in Microwaves have organized a workshop on “Shaping the Career for the Next Generation Wireless Technologies” during January’s 11th IEEE Radio & Wireless Week (RWW2017) in Phoenix, Ariz. The session will run on 16 January 2017 from 4:40 pm to 6:30 pm MST. It will provide attendees with a platform to […]

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In Memoriam: Alvin
In Memoriam: Alvin "Al" Clavin (1924–2016)

Alvin “Al” Clavin (born 17 June 1924), Past President of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society and a Life Fellow of the IEEE, died 17 November 2016, two days after emergency surgery. He was employed by the Hughes Aircraft Company from 1948 to 1983, except for an eight year period when in 1956 he […]

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President's Message: Renew Your Membership Now
President's Message: Renew Your Membership Now

Dear Colleagues, Have you renewed your IEEE/MTT-S membership? If you have, I thank you for your loyalty to MTT-S. If not, you can easily renew through the on-line process at You can also help MTT-S by recruiting your friends and colleagues as new members of our Society. We have been working very hard in […]

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Upcoming Meetings: LAMC, Puerto Vallarta; RFIT, Taipei; EuMW, London
Upcoming Meetings: LAMC, Puerto Vallarta; RFIT, Taipei;...

LAMC in Puerto Vallarta, new submission deadline: Aug. 29 LAMC-2016 is the First IEEE MTT-S Latin America Microwave Conference (LAMC), to be held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in Dec. 12-14, 2016 ( LAMC is an international forum dedicated to in-depth scientific and technological discussions on a broad set of fields related to RF and microwave […]

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2016 Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization, Beijing, 27-29 July
2016 Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling...

On July 27-29, 2016, the 2016 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO) ( was held in Beijing, China. NEMO is a new annual focal event on electromagnetic- and multiphysics-based computer-aided design founded by IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). NEMO rotates around the globe very three years, […]

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President's Message: Vote
President's Message: Vote "No" on Proposed IEEE Constitutional

Dear MTT-S Members and Colleagues, As you probably know, the IEEE Annual Election has begun on 15 August. The referendum on the Proposed Constitutional Amendment) will be an important question on this year’s ballot. This issue has been hotly debated and rejected by an overwhelming majority of the IEEE Societies/Councils (25 to 1) and IEEE […]

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U.S., Japanese Groups Tie for IMS2016 Best Industrial Paper
U.S., Japanese Groups Tie for IMS2016 Best Industrial

IMS2016’s Technical Program Committee presented “Best Industry Paper” to two of the ten nominees during the conference’s closing ceremony on 26 May. The winning papers were: “7kW GaN W-Band Transmitter,” Raytheon RMS, Raytheon IDS, U.S. Army ARDEC, USA “Demonstration of 20-Gbps Wireless Data Transmission at 300 GHz for KIOSK Instant Data Downloading Applications with InP […]

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