IMS 2019
The International Microwave Symposium is a major showcase for microwave oscillator technology.Don’t miss it!
The International Microwave Symposium is a major showcase for microwave oscillator technology.Don’t miss it!
As part of the technical program, the Student Design Competition (SDC) is one of the most energetic parts of IMS. The SDCs have proven to be very successful events in the past 12 years, as evidenced by the ever increasing student participation and the support it has enjoyed from the organizers, both logistically and financially. […]
Interview of Franz Seifert, a RF & microwave acoustics pioneer now online. He has made many important contributions to our technical field and to our community. See the oral history of Franz Seifert at http://ethw.org/Oral-History:Franz_Seifert
Meeting will take place at Courtyard Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, 21 N. Juniper St from 5 to 7 PM.
2018 Summer Meeting of the MTT-1 Computer Aided Design Committee in Philadelphia, PA (June 11, 2018) All MTT-1 Members are welcome to attend the next MTT-1 CAD Committee Summer Meeting during the IMS-2018 in Philadelphia. Meeting Name: MTT-1 Summer Meeting Location: Courtyard Marriott Philadelphia Downtown, 21 N. Juniper St, Philadelphia, PA Room: Rittenhouse Date: Monday, […]
The HTSHFF 2018 was held on June 5–8, 2018 in Yamagata, Japan.
This special issue covers all topics in the interdisciplinary field of microwave photonics, which will be announced as a special issue for the top conference (MWP’2017) of this field. Microwave photonics is concerned with the use of photonic devices, systems and techniques for applications in microwave, millimeter, and THz wave engineering, and also encompasses the […]
A Special Symposium will be held at CLEO 2018 on Advances in Integrated Microwave Photonics, aimed to highlight new paradigms, technological tools, and potential applications of integrated microwave photonics.The CLEO:2018 technical conference will be held 14-18 May 2018 in San Jose, California. For complete conference information please visit: www.cleoconference.org.
The fourth annual IEEE MTT-S 2018 International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM2018) will be held on 16-17 April, 2018 in Munich, Germany. This conference covers a broad range of topics that enable intelligent mobile systems through RF/microwave/millimeterwave components, circuits and systems. Potential applications include cognitive and autonomous automobiles and robots, wireless communications between […]
Don’t miss this incredible chance to broaden your network, prove yourself and give a boost to your career! Preliminary deadline extended to 1st May 2018! TC-24 Student Design Competition
IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO 2018) Founded by the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), NEMO is an annual focal conference on EM- and multiphysics-based computer-aided design (CAD), rotating between Europe, North America, and Asia. NEMO 2018 aims at stimulating […]
MTT-20 is devoted to Wireless Communications, feel free to navigate through our web-page and interesting subjects.
This page summarizes some of the 5G information public available. http://www.nsf.gov/cise/5G 5G PLayground at SF SDN Testbed Workshop Thomas Magedanz EIT Digital Offering 20160502 Marko Turpeinen IEEE SDN_for Testbed Workshop 5-2-16 V4 Eileen Healy
The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) is a transnational society with more than 11,000 members and 150 chapters worldwide. The Society promotes the advancement of RF and microwave theory and its applications from a few MHz to THz. One of the 27 Technical Committees is MTT-17, in charge of HF/VHF/UHF technology. The mission […]
Amelie Hagelauer (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) together with Vadim Issakov and Uwe Rueddenklau (both Infineon) organized a workshop on “RF Front-Ends for Enhanced Mobile Communications towards 5G” at this year’s IMS. The workshop has been very successful with more than 100 attendees.
The 2017 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2017) will be held from 23-26 October 2017 in Beijing, China. The conference will provide a forum for researchers working in microwave photonics to share their ideas and the latest advances in this interdisciplinary field. Conference website: www.mwp2017.com