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Welcome to the second issue of the MTT-S Newsletter.

The Newsletter Working Group and I are trying to make this Newsletter come alive. It should be a link between all people that are involved in the high frequency domain, from MHz through THz (MTT). We hope that it will be read not only by the MTT-S members but also by all engineers, researchers, students. So please do not hesitate to share any topic, any article that you think to be valuable.

In the first issues, the information includes mainly technical novelties, society events, and conferences. But we will open new columns on job opportunities, on best paper in our publications, on initiatives (SIGHT, IoT,…).

This Newsletter is yours. All your comments or suggestions are welcome. Send us proposal for articles. The Newsletters is published every month, on the third Wednesday. The information can be shared very quickly.

The Newsletter Working Group and I are waiting for your feedback (d.pasquet@ieee.org).

Daniel Pasquet