TC-11 Microwave Low-Noise Techniques Committee

Mission Statement

Our objective is to keep abreast of contemporary developments in the field of low noise as well as new and innovative technologies emerging on the horizon. Our interest spans a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum from DC to microwave, millimeter-wave, sub-millimeter-wave and THz. Consequently, low noise technology is pervasive not only throughout many of the technical committees of the MTT Society, but also throughout other societies of the IEEE

Field of Interest

* Low noise circuits and devices
* Detectors
* Receivers
* Radiometers


Student Competitions
Student Competitions

The goal for the competitors is to compensate the distortion that a GaN power amplifier introduces in a realistic burst-signal scenario. The competition will be based on a unique remote-controlled “WebLab”, which gives everyone access to an advanced wideband modulated PA measurement setup! Students participating in the competition will use the “WebLab” for the development […]

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