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Realizing All-Dielectric Devices from Transformation Electromagnetics

A team from Oxford and the University of London fabricated and tested a 2-D generalized Maxwell fish-eye lens has been from all-dielectric polymer/ceramic composite materials. The graded refractive index profile of the lens, discretized into a concentric-ring structure, functioned as a two-way beam splitter. Epoxy composites, with a broad dielectric constant range that can be precisely controlled, were used to cast the lens using a low-cost manufacturing method that can readily accommodate different geometries.

LAST CALL 15 October Deadline for MTT-S Fellowships/Scholarships

The deadline for Graduate Fellowships and Spring Undergraduate Scholarships is 15 October. Graduate awards include a $6,000 scholarship and up to $1,000 to travel to IMS 2018. Undergraduate awards include a $1,500 scholarship, $1,000 for travel, and a one-year student membership in IEEE and MTT-S.

THZ IMAGING Axon Demyelination in Alzheimer’s

Using reflection-mode time-domain THz spectroscopy, two-dimensional images of formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue samples of the hippocampus area were recorded in the 60 GHz–2 THz band.

ANOTHER LAST CALL Substrate Integrated Waveguides for MHz through THz

Submit papers by 1 October 2017 for the April 2018 IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques special issue on “Substrate Integrated Waveguide Circuits and Systems for MHz-Through-THz Wireless and Photonics Applications.”

SOC Crystal-Less, Wireless Sub-GHz Transmitter

A non-trimmable LC oscillator operating at a fixed frequency around 3.2 GHz drives a fully integrated system-on-a-chip wireless transmitter that doesn’t need an external crystal frequency reference.

MEET-UP Young Professionals at EuMW2017, Nuremberg, 8-13 October

MTT-S Young Professionals offer two sessions and a casual meet-up to make contacts and hone career skills during European Microwave Week 2017 (EuMW2017) in Nuremburg, Germany, 8-13 October.

MEMS Designing Ultralow Noise Varactors

Interactive design method, verified by fabrication, for accurately predicting electromechanical and phase noise properties of a MEMS varactor, including a MEMS-based voltage-controlled oscillator with continuous frequency tuning.

SOCIETY First Young Professionals RF & Microwave Boot Camp

Mexico’s Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG) organized the first-ever IEEE RF & Microwave Boot Camp on 24 July in the technology hub that is home to 150 international tech companies and 300 startups.

BIOMEDICAL Modeling How Skin Absorbs Sub-THz Radiation

With sub-THz data rates over 100 Gbps on the horizon, at wavelengths on par with the structures of the human skin, it is important to understand how radiation will interact with biology (and why sweat glands can act as helical microwave antennas).

COMING UP mmWaves, Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband, Sarnoff Symposium

Upcoming MTT-S-sponsored meetings include European Microwave Week (with EuMIC 2017, EuMC 2017, and EuRAD 2017, Nuremburg, Germany, 8-13 Oct.), Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS 2017, San Jose, CA, 15-18 Oct.), and Global Humanitarian Technology (GHTC 2017, San Jose, CA, 19-22 Oct.).


RF Engineering Career Opportunities

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µWave Wizard Free Edition from Mician

Try the µWave Wizard FREE Edition. Please register or login and download the free edition of the µWave Wizard from Mician (Bremen, Germany).

Have Something to Share With MTT-S Colleagues?

Members of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society who want to share information about events, conferences, contests, publications, or other topics of interest to MTT-S colleagues are invited to e-mail Newsletter Working Group chair Xun Gong (xun.gong@ucf.edu) and newsletter editor Douglas McCormick (douglas.mccormick.us@ieee.org).