IEEE Microwave Magazine

This Month's Highlights

The June issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is here! We have two regular features and five Student Design Competition winners from IMS2023. We also have a tremendous set of columns in this issue so there is something for everyone.

Our two features could be said to look at system efficiency. Does simultaneous wireless information and power transfer increase IoT system efficiency? How can systems push Shannon to the limit? Tune in and find out. Then there are the Student Design Competition winners. We have everything from filter designs which minimize reflections, can be made with 3D printers and create ultrabroadband bias tees without components to a high power amplifier at 50 MHz and designing RFOD tags for maximum backscatter. Find out just how creative our students are!

As with any issue, the Editor’s Desk holds the key. But this issue’s Editor’s Desk also covers IMS2024 and the entire Microwave Week. Our President’s Desk gives us insight into our administrative committee or ADCOM – how much do you know about what makes it tick? A great part of what makes our society tick is volunteers. And one thing our society can do is recognize achievements in our people. The Awards column in this issue recognizes those elevated to the rank of Fellow in 2024. Reviewers of technical articles have also received recognition. Authors and editors with the Journal of Microwaves for 2023 have nominated outstanding reviewers and these are shown in the Reviewer Recognition column. Our chapters and conferences have lots of activity through the year. Around the Globe reports on chapter activities and the Conference Report covers our 2023 microwaves and biology conference. Another conference was our Wireless Power conference in 2023 and our Women in Microwaves column covers how exciting power can be. Our In Memoriam column has been far to active but Kenneth Carr was another special engineer with many accomplishments so please read about his life. Finally in our set of society columns our Speaker’s Corner reviews the fascinating career of Lester Eastman.

Our technical columns start off with Health Matters and a recent conclusion of clear evidence of a link between a certain cancer in rats and cellphone radiation. That has me curious. MicroBusiness is always an interesting read. This month it covers what comes first: the budget or the plan? What would technology be without new products? Check out the New Products column with synthesizers, phase shifters, power dividers and component models. And our Enigmas, etc. column answers last months puzzle about the Poincaré metric in the impedance plane.

I hope you enjoyed the the issue and don’t forget to check out the Conference Calendar.

Summary by Alfy Riddle, PhD
Quanergy Solutions

Current issue

June 2024 Issue

About the journal

The IEEE Microwave Magazine is published monthly, with the IMS Special issue in April or May, and an RWW Supplement delivered with the December issue. The Microwave Magazine focuses on the publication of general interest review, tutorial, and survey papers rather than new research.

Most issues of the Microwave Magazine include a “focus section,” in which the technical features are invited by the guest editor, who is an acknowledged expert in the focus topic. The magazine also contains submitted technical articles, either as features or application notes. The technical content of the magazine is about 55 pages per issue, consisting of 4-5 feature articles and 1-2 application notes. Additionally, the magazine contains a number of regular columns, as well as editorial and news items.

The magazine has won two international awards for technical art from the Society for Technical Communication. The current impact factor for IEEE Microwave Magazine is 3.6 (2023). The magazine welcomes review, tutorial, and survey manuscripts in all topics of interest to the microwave engineering community; the time from submission to publication is under 26 weeks. Articles published in the Microwave Magazine are available to digital subscribers through IEEE Xplore.

For submissions, please read the Guidelines for Authors and submit your article via the IEEE Author Portal at