About the journal
The March issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! We have two features, four Student Design Competition winners, an Application Note, and a big set of columns.
We’ll give you a quick summary here but for the real overview, and more about our society, check out the Editor’s Desk column. Speaking of features, our features are new ideas in old school passive microwave networks: couplers and common-mode noise suppression. These overviews will teach you a lot about passive networks. And for diversity we have Student Competition winners with two articles on more efficient and linear power amplifiers, one on networks for direction finding and one on using radar to help people. Not to forget our Application Note on photocouplers and amplifiers – you will learn so much!
The columns may seem second tier to the features but there is a lot of fun and information in our columns. We have society news and food for thought. Let’s start with the President’s Column on diversity and inclusion. Our Society News column gives us some insight into changes in Technical Committee #4 (TC-4) and how the IEEE is evolving over time. With all the free information online some may ask “Why be a member?” – our Women in Microwaves column tackles that question. Another group that might question the benefits of belonging is the Young Professionals. Our Young Professionals column covers the excitement and learning of the Student Design Competition. Nothing says Electromagnetics like field computation and our Conference Report column covers last year’s conference on Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (or NEMO).
Certainly our Society oriented columns can be thought provoking, but some columns are just designed to give us things to think about. I usually start with MicroBusiness. This column remembers not only Bob Pucel, but all the changes he helped foster in the dynamic era of GaAs integrated circuit growth. Who are your mentors? Yet another reason to join. Our Microwave Surfing column entices us with the question of what is medical physics and what does it have to do with microwaves? Our Educator’s Corner has had some really interesting columns in recent issues. This issue visits geometry, impedances, Smith Charts and power transfer. And for our last brain teaser in this issue we have the Enigmas, etc. column. How much do you know about rectifiers?
Enjoy the issue and don’t forget to check out the Conference Corner!
Summary by Alfy Riddle,
Ph.D. Quanergy Systems, Inc.
Current issue