About the journal
The June issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! Our June issue is always fun as we call it the “Breadth of the MTT” and the features always demonstrate a fascinating set of topics. This issue also has a big set of columns so there is a lot to enjoy. For the real introduction to this issue please check out the Editor’s Desk column but for now this summary will have to do.
Our first feature is a great overview of graphene applications from voltage controlled attenuators to antennas. Our second feature covers rectifier design – something the readers of our Enigmas, etc… column will consider very familiar. But this article is a fun tour of maximizing rectifier efficiency for energy harvesting. And our third feature is a Student Design Competition winner on cancellation of self-interference which can be used for bandwidth re-use and radar networks.
We have a terrific set of columns in this issue. For society information we start with the President’s Column discussing the vibrancy of our microwave society as shown by our many conferences, Young Professionals and Industry Engagement committees. Our Awards column covers the many accomplishments of John Bandler, our 2023 Electromagnetics Award recipient, and our 2022 IEEE Fellows Elevation. Check it out. We have a new column called Review Recognition. Many paper reviewers go the extra mile to improve articles and often authors appreciate it. Our Education News covers webinars and our Society News covers our Control Techniques subcommittee and our IIT Varanasi Student Branch activities. Our Conference Report covers European Microwave Week and MAPCON. Two of our favorite groups are Women in Microwaves and Young Professionals. Our Women in Microwaves covers a woman’s microwave career in Pakistan. And while it may be that women mainly support women in engineering we all need to be welcoming and enabling women in engineering. Another area for support is the Young Professionals. Our society lives off of new members and diversity. We are international and a fun group of people fascinated by electromagnetics. Our Young Professionals covers a workshop on modeling and optimization of active devices. Sadly we have another In Memoriam column with this one remembering Reinhard Knoechel. Our society does feel like a family with reunions at conferences and workshops.
We also have some thinking columns. Our MicroBusiness is always fun and this month Fred covers the opposite end of the spectrum from Young Professionals – retirement and what ChatGPT might mean to you. We also have Health Matters which continues an in depth coverage of microwaves and safety limits. Clearly those in the profession are the most interested in this scientific study. Our Book/Software Reviews describes a perfect reference for digital RF memories- an area that has grown with software radios and recent digital advances. Finally our Enigmas, Etc. column shows the solution to last month’s quiz – which implies our optimum load resistance.
As always please check out our Conference Calendar. And I hope to see you at IMS 2023.
Summary by Alfred Riddle, P.h.D.
Quanergy Solutions, Inc.
Current issue