About the journal
The April issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out. This issue has a fascinating set of features covering flexible electronics, electro-optic modulation and contactless millimeter-wave connectors. We also have a great set of columns and an interesting discussion in a Speaker’s Corner.
Our features start with flexible electronics and an in-depth tour of the technology, transistors and circuitry for a wireless moisture sensor. Our second feature covers the background and details of an all-silicon electro-optic modulator. Our final feature gives us a tour of contactless connectors and finding the best choice for millimeter-wave applications.
If you started with the feature articles, then you still need to check out the Editor’s Desk to get an overview of this issue. As usual I will split our columns into society information and things to think about. And we have a lot to think about in this issue. But first let’s take a tour of the society information. Our President’s Column takes a look at the Spring of microwaves with conferences, diversity, education, and engagement. Our Society News has reports from our Field Theory and IoT technical committees. Our Women in Microwaves column is a real-world perspective of gender and education with a reminder that giving kids wings to fly takes everyone. Our Educator’s Corner covers the use of 3D printers for antennas. And our Ombudsman gives us a tour of solving member problems. Sadly, we have another In Memoriam. Please learn about all the ways Richard Sparks has contributed to our society.
Now regarding columns that make us think we always have our MicroBusiness. This issue covers navigating the unfamiliar and why human beings are still useful. Our Enigmas, etc. provides a solution to last month’s diode rectifier puzzle – sometimes used as a DC restorer circuit. Next let’s tour Health Matters – which is both a column and a discussion in Speaker’s Corner. Our Health Matters covers detecting high power microwave pulses and their affect on our bodies. Our Speaker’s Corner, which is our forum for controversy and discussion, reprints a letter to the editor from January 2022 and a response by the editor of our Health Matters column. There are a lot of details here from experts in the field, but this sort of discussion is really healthy for helping us stay in the know and being prepared to discuss microwave energy effects with others.
As always, don’t forget to check out the Conference Calendar.
Summary by Alfy Riddle
Quanergy Systems
Current issue