About the journal
The latest issue of the Microwave Magazine is out! Our focus this month is machine learning. Neural networks can help us explore our design changes or process variation without having to exhaustively simulate every corner case, frequency or in between. And for those with a more IC orientation there is progress on using neural networks to automatically generate transistor and component models of a technology node. If these features are not enough for you we also have a 2020 Student Design Competition winner article on a Linearity-Enhanced Doherty Power Amplifier.
So next up are the columns. Don’t forget to check out the Editor’s Desk for an overview of the issue, the downside of Zoom, and the hope for a fully in-person IMS2022. And please check out the Guest Editor’s Desk for more background on our features. Our President’s Column reviews our hybrid IMS2021 – a mix of a virtual and in person symposium where you can see how your society is stepping up to give the best possible outcome in an unprecedented situation.
As always, this issue has things to think about. Our MicroBusiness column explores our multiverse and decisions we make. Our Enigmas column asks us to think about voltage changes, quadrature currents & average current. And Microwave Bytes invites us to consider that nostalgia is not what it used to be. As well as how vacuum devices deserve more thought and the “old ways” just probably have relevance today.
Of course each issue tells us about what is happening in our world. We have New Products including a 1kW termination and low noise amplifier as well as a book review on airport security screening. As well as our Society News on microwave education, and a Conference Report on biomedical progress.
Our Women in Microwaves column in this issue is a special shout out to four distinguished women in our field. We have many distinguished women in our field – and I am sure you will all happily recognize these four.
Finally, please check the Conference Calendar. Our world has serious challenges but hopefully we will be seeing each other more in person and also being more careful.
By Alfy Riddle
Quanergy Systems
Current issue