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The April 2021 issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is now out, is a packed issue, with a number of features and columns that you should find interesting.
This month we have one of our focus issue, and this month’s theme is “Microwaves in China”. The Guest Editor for this issue, Dr. Kaixue Ma, has selected three technical features to show examples of the current state-of-the-art in microwave technology in China. These three features cover work on vacuum electronics and devices, the progress in research on GaN-based devices and, finally, circuit and design techniques based on substrate integrated suspended lines (SISL). I suggest that you read his Guest Editor column first for an orientation and summary of each of these technical features.
Besides the technical features, we also have a number of our usual columns. In our Health Matters column, Dr. James Lin looks at the impact of the electromagnetic fields-rich environment of aircraft flight decks and how they affect pilot cognitive performance. This article also presents the case for some of the origins of pilot performance degradation being related to the same microwave-induced auditory response as is highly suspected in the case for the Cuba embassy incident, as outlined in several previous articles in this magazine. Our MicroBusiness column continues with the theme of last month’s column, regarding the apparent contradiction of celebrating failures with this month’s theme of looking at the problems that success brings. Our Spotlight column on the various MTT-S AdCom committees this month presents an interview with the head of the Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Committee’s chair, Dr. Nuno Borges Carvalho. This column outlines the various activities, programs and initiatives that MGA helps support that provide benefit to the general MTT membership. This month, we present two book reviews for microwave engineers working on antenna designs for wireless products and applications of surface electromagnetics. The Women in Microwaves’ column this month presents a report on the WiM event held this year at the NEMO2020 conference in Hangzhou, China in December 2020. The MTT Ombuds Officer reports on the investigation and addressing of the various issues that MTT members have submitted over the last few months. Dr. Ohira continues with a new Enigma related to switching power amplifiers, along with the solution to last month’s problem. In just a few months, IMS2021 will begin and a preview of the technical and other activities can be found in this issue, along with our monthly conference calendar that describes the microwave conference scene for the next six months.
Please enjoy this month’s issue!
Robert Caverly
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