About the journal
The March issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! And this issue features microwave filters. Filters are critical to spectrum management for radar and communication. And we have two more IMS2019 Student Design Competition winner articles to join our feature articles. This summary will give you a taste of the issue but you should check out the Editor’s Desk and the Guest Editor’s Desk to really find out what is going on in the issue.
This issue’s features give a tour of filter synthesis, field analysis of filter structures, co-design of filters and passive circuits, and tunable filters. Microwave filters are a fascinating blend of pure mathematics, electromagnetic field analysis, mechanical engineering, and manufacturing tolerance and yield analysis. Your next stop should be our Design Competition articles which cover some very impressive real world challenges like a backscatter radio and carrier aggregation multiplexers.
As fascinating as the features are you will really enjoy the columns. The President’s Column will always be an interesting insight into the workings of the MTT Society. This issue gives you a tour of our administrative committee. Then MicroBusiness always makes you think. Maybe your weed is really a rose. Another thoughtful column is Microwave Surfing. Electricity could be good for you. One of our regular columns is the Conference Report – and this one is about European Microwave Week. An Educator’s Corner column is in this issue and gives you some thought about the benefits of linking microwave engineering to news. And in this issue we also have an Enigmas column to give you even more to think about. Check it out and learn what Poincare Length has to do with microwaves!
And as always don’t forget the Conference Calendar!
By Alfy Riddle
Current issue