About the journal
The April issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! This issue focuses on space-time modulation but also has two other features on power amplifiers, another Student Competition winner and an Application Note on filter design. As always the details will be in the Editor’s Desk column but we will give you a few teasers here. Everyone will enjoy the space-time modulation article as it relates tsunamis to solid-state circulators, other non-reciprocal components, and mixers. We are always interested in more bandwidth and our second feature covers methods of extending the bandwidth of Doherty power amplifiers. Out third feature shows a steady increase in sophistication of power amplifier efficiency by essentially a hybrid of load and supply modulation. To add some contrast to our issue our Student Design Competition winner from IMS2019 is a low noise amplifier and our Application Note is about passive filter tuning and electromagnetic simulation. Our very professional Design Competition winner discusses how IP3 can vary with modulation bandwidth and input power. Our filter Application Note will interest anyone working with filters or EM simulation. The Application Note is a very nice tour of modern filter design, use of EM simulators, and practical construction.
Once again I will remind you to check out the columns. Don’t skip the Editor’s Desk as it will give you insight into the issue. Conveniently your next stop should be the President’s Column. Everyone should read this column in every issue but especially in this issue. You will learn about how the MTT Society was formed and why volunteering is essential. You will get a chance to work with great people. Our MicroBusiness column is always thought provoking and this issue looks at the mystery of how we name things. Another column we should all be familiar with is Health Matters. Many people worry about microwave radiation exposure and we can help them understand the issues by staying informed. Our FCC is constantly reviewing our standards. Somewhat in line with our Student Design Competition is our MTT-Sat Challenge begun in 2019. Check out all the university activity on this Challenge. Another column everyone should read is Women in Microwaves. Our society is clearly about geeks. Women are geeks too but they face additional challenges by being such a minority in our field and traditionally being tasked with child rearing rather than scientific study. These columns help all of us broaden and enrich our field. One of our fun columns is the Around the Globe column which tells us about chapter activities, Young Professionals and conferences. We also have columns on how our Ombudsman is ferreting out information and righting wrongs, how our book reviewer is eating to the drum of radar rudiments, and fascinating New Products discovered. And speaking of fascinating we have another Enigma’s column which will get everyone thinking about Pi matching networks.
And as always don’t forget the Conference Calendar!
By Alfy Riddle
Current issue