About the journal
The January issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! It is a bright New Year and this issue has a lot to offer. In 2019 we are back to monthly issues and the Editor’s Desk column by Robert Caverly outlines what there is to look forward to in 2019. While there are many interesting columns in this issue what may be most interesting is the combination of the Student Design Competition papers from IMS2018 with two Distinguished Microwave Lecture articles plus an overview of CMOS transmitter architectures for 2.4 GHz RF devices. The Distinguished Microwave Lecture articles cover millimeter wave transceivers with digital self-healing and the evolution of nonuniform distributed power amplifiers.
Possibly the favorite aspect of the January issue is the Student Design Competition papers. The solutions are novel and the papers give background on the winning solutions to various tasks. These papers often address cutting edge problems with novel solutions. Seven competition winner papers are in this issue and they cover energy harvesting, fragmented source channel capacity increases, wearable devices, a Class-E power amplifier, low power and high precision radar, a linear-asymmetric Doherty PA, and filtering with in-band interference suppression.
A lot of research, time and experience has gone into each of the articles in this issue of the magazine. But the columns also contain a tremendous amount of perspective and information. Take the time to read through the columns of the President’s perspective, the Editor’s Desk, find out what is the canary in the gold mine, what is knocking three times as well as what is happening around the globe, who has left us this year, and what new books and products deserve our attention. Don’t forget to check out the Conference Calendar and as always, enjoy the issue!
Current issue