About the journal
The December issue of the IEEE Microwave Magazine is out! The December issue celebrates Radio & Wireless Week which is in San Antonio, Texas, this coming January. So this issue has a set of columns devoted to Radio & Wireless Week. The Symposium Chairs give you a Welcome and the Technical Chair gives you a program overview. But Radio & Wireless Week is about more than just the Radio and Wireless Symposium. Other columns tell you about the SiRF conference, ARFTG, as well as IoT Vertical and Topical Summits. And you get a tour of what else you can do while you are in San Antonio. The Guest Editor’s column will give you more details about the technical features in this issue – but just to get you interested I’ll mention that the features are linked to this set of conferences and summits and give you an idea of their state of the art and how they will impact your future. No matter what you are interested in there is something in this issue for you. There is an antenna feature on Si arrays There is also an overview of the CMOS VCO state-of-the-art. And moving up the food chain there is a feature on remote sensing helping agriculture. For those keeping up with 5G there is a feature on 5G RF infrastructure.
As if all the RWW information was not enough there is a regular feature on Near-Field chipless RFID and an Application Note on multiband antennas. But wait… there’s more. Many of our regular columns are included in this issue. The Editor’s Desk gives you an overview of the entire issue as well as some thoughts on keeping up with acronyms. The President’s column is a reflection on the bad (email volume) and good (people) our first female president has worked with in her term. Dominique has had and I am sure will continue to have a great impact on our society. And I am sure everyone will enjoy the MicroBusiness column which is always thoughtful. Have a read of this column and learn how people can be like a road with hidden potholes. Two more regular columns are a book review on signal processing and news from some of our chapters. We also have one of the newer columns , Women in Microwaves, in this issue. This column has a look at the IMS 2019 Special Session on “Challenges Still Facing Women in Microwaves and How You Can Help.” This column is really for all of us and equally important for men and women. Diversity will help us all in the long run but it will take work from all of us and is a responsibility for all of us.
And as always don’t forget the Conference Calendar and Remember the Alamo!
By Alfy Riddle
Current issue