About the journal
Our August issue is out and we want to whet your appetite for the issue. The feature articles in this issue cover wireless sensors for biomedical applications. Advancements in microwave chips and technology have the most obvious impact on our communications but biomedical sensors have also greatly benefited. Inside this issue you will learn about sleep sensing, tumor detection, how relatively long wavelengths like microwaves can detect human gestures , and how different types of radars, including ultrawideband, can monitor people and help find earthquake victims. You’ll find out much more about these feature articles in the Editor’s Desk and Guest Editor’s column.
Speaking of columns, this issue contains a full set of columns including a Speaker’s Corner. The Editor’s Desk column will give you a complete overview of the issue and some information on our technical committees. And our President’s column continues to give us all an overview of the MTT Society. This month’s column discusses relationships with our sister societies in the IEEE and about searching for Fellows. Our MicroBusiness column talks about another search. The search for people, jobs and relationships that match and the mismatches that often occur. Often our columns gives readers much to think about and the quiz in this issue’s Microwave Surfing column is bound to make people think as well as be curious about various events involving microwaves. Our book review echoes our last feature article with even more information on ultrawideband radars. The Speaker’s Corner column could be about anything. In this issue the column makes us think about discoveries and if we really know when something was invented. One of the major aspects of this magazine is to bring us news about the people in our society. The awarding of Graduate Student Fellowships is always a joy and an interesting look into their projects. The sad part about people is eventually they leave us. Our In Memoriam column in this issue is about George Oltman. Please read about his accomplishments in antenna design, business and supporting the MTT Society. One of the common threads of leaders in our society is also common to George and that is insatiable curiosity. We will miss him.
As always, please enjoy the issue. And don’t forget to check out the Conference Calendar.
Current issue