
A 249 mW, 177-205 GHz Synthesizer for Planetary Probes
A 249 mW, 177-205 GHz Synthesizer for Planetary Probes

Development of a synthesizer to support planetary science instrumentation using a CMOS system-on-chip to deliver at least 10 microwatts across the 177–205 GHz lock range while consuming 249 mW of dc power. Read more

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An Amazing Time for Microwaves
An Amazing Time for Microwaves

The remarkable communications advances we’ll see during the coming year rely on electromagnetic energy in the RV, microwave, mm-wave, and terahertz bands. The coming of 5G will mean mm-waves everywhere, and we may even cut some power cables to harness wireless power transfer. This year’s IMS in Philadelphia will feature state-of-the-art research and the largest […]

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5G’s Olympic Debut
5G’s Olympic Debut

KT Corp. (formerly Korea Telecom), the 2018 Winter Olympics Games’ official sponsor, has announced plans for the first big test run of networking technologies that could herald peak download rates up to 100 times as fast as today’s 4G systems, with delays as low as 1 millisecond. KT’s competitors SK Telecom and LG U+ are […]

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December 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
December 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer

THZ Imaging Human Corneas In Vivo Two papers from UCLA outline optical design and prototype development and evaluation of a new system of reflection-mode terahertz imaging for early, accurate, non-contact detection and study of corneal diseases in humans. The system reveals corneal-tissue water content and geometry while avoiding the problems caused by direct contact with […]

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Young Professionals at European Microwave Week
Young Professionals at European Microwave Week

Bringing industry and academia together, European Microwave Week 2017 (EuMW 2017) was a six day event held in Nuremberg, Germany, October 8–13, including three cutting edge conferences and a trade and technology exhibition featuring leading players from across the globe. As one of world’s biggest technical events, EuMW 2017 grows far beyond the microwave technologies […]

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November 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
November 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer

5G Power, Linearity, and Efficiency Prediction for MIMO Arrays Since MIMO array elements are electromagnetically coupled, the waves fed to the antennas also drive the power amplifier (PA) output ports, creating an apparent variable load at each PA output. Simulation is a powerful tool in understanding how these MIMO systems behave. Such simulators should be […]

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Graphene Takes Us One Step Closer to Flexible Terahertz Electronics
Graphene Takes Us One Step Closer to Flexible Terahertz

Researchers at Chalmers University in Sweden have combined flexibility and terahertz detection into one flexible, graphene-based detector that could lead to new products such as wearable terahertz sensors for medical diagnosis. In research published in the journal Applied Physics Letters, the Chalmers researchers developed a field-effect transistor (FET) built up on a plastic substrate in […]

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The 2017 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2017) will be held from 23-26 October 2017 in Beijing, China. The conference will provide a forum for researchers working in microwave photonics to share their ideas and the latest advances in this interdisciplinary field. Conference website:

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October 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
October 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer

ANTICOUNTERFEITING Radiated Electromagnetic Emission for Integrated Circuit Authentication Counterfeit integrated circuits are a growing problem with economic and safety implications. Semiconductor makers and embedded-system designers are looking for ways of making sure that chips really are what they purport to be. The authors propose fingerprinting each IC’s electromagnetic radiation emissions using a variability-aware circuit configuration, […]

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EuMW2017 - Workshop
EuMW2017 - Workshop

Advances in GaN Device Technology for Millimeter-wave ApplicationsMillimeter-wave and sub-millimeter-wave applications, such as satellite communications, radar systems, high-speed wireless communications, and newly developed mobile 5G system, have demanded high power and high efficiency devices. GaN device is still a main player for the above frequencies and applications. This workshop will introduce the recent progress in […]

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New system allows near-zero-power sensors to communicate data over long distances
New system allows near-zero-power sensors to communicate...

University of Washington (UW) researchers have developed a low-cost, long-range data-communication system that could make it possible for medical sensors or billions of low-cost “internet of things” objects to connect via radio signals at long distances (up to 2.8 kilometers) and with 1000 times lower required power (9.25 microwatts in an experiment) compared to existing […]

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September 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
September 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless

FISH-EYE BEAM-SPLITTER Realizing All-Dielectric Devices from Transformation Electromagnetics A team from Oxford and the University of London fabricated and tested a 2-D generalized Maxwell fish-eye lens has been from all-dielectric polymer/ceramic composite materials. The graded refractive index profile of the lens, discretized into a concentric-ring structure, functioned as a two-way beam splitter. Epoxy composites, with […]

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Self-assembled Three Dimensional Network Designs for Soft Electronics
Self-assembled Three Dimensional Network Designs for...

Low modulus, compliant systems of sensors, circuits and radios designed to intimately interface with the soft tissues of the human body are of growing interest, due to their emerging applications in continuous, clinical-quality health monitors and advanced, bioelectronic therapeutics. Although recent research establishes various materials and mechanics concepts for such technologies, all existing approaches involve […]

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August 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
August 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer

WPT Ultra-Light Rectenna for Harvesting Next-Generation LTE RF Energy A novel, compact, ultralightweight multiband RF energy harvester fabricated of nested annular slots on a paper substrate to operate in all recently released LTE bands (range 0.79-0.96 GHz; 1.71-2.17 GHz; and 2.5-2.69 GHz). The design features an RF-to-dc conversion efficiency in the range of 5%-16% for […]

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Two-Dimensional Versions of High-K Materials Offer New Future for Chips
Two-Dimensional Versions of High-K Materials Offer...

Silicon has been the mainstay of chips because silicon possesses a “Goldilocks” band gap of 1.1 electron Volts (eV), which makes it possible to operate integrated circuits at a low voltage, leading to reduced leakage of current. Another key feature of silicon is that it can be used to make a convenient “native” insulator, in […]

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Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or a secret gate
Still round the corner there may wait, A new road or...

The first ever I EEE RF & μW Boot Camp was organized by Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG), Mexico on July 24th, 2017. After the advent of Latin America Microwave Conference (LAMC 2016), there was a greater need of involving Young Professionals to provide them better insight in RF & Microwave practical design work. With […]

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