
April 2018 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
April 2018 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer

IN MEMORIAM Tom Brazil (1952-2018) MTT-S President-Elect Dominique Schreurs writes, “It is with great sorrow that I must inform you that MTT-S President Tom Brazil passed away unexpectedly on Friday, April 13th. Funeral services will be held on April 20th in Dublin, Ireland. Let us remember him as a great mentor, an excellent leader, a […]

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IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM) 2018, Munich, Germany
IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for...

The fourth annual IEEE MTT-S 2018 International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM2018) will be held on 16-17 April, 2018 in Munich, Germany. This conference covers a broad range of topics that enable intelligent mobile systems through RF/microwave/millimeterwave components, circuits and systems. Potential applications include cognitive and autonomous automobiles and robots, wireless communications between […]

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IMS2018 Student Design Competition on Backscatter Radio
IMS2018 Student Design Competition on Backscatter Radio

Don’t miss this incredible chance to broaden your network, prove yourself and give a boost to your career! Preliminary deadline extended to 1st May 2018! TC-24 Student Design Competition

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The Road to Success in Microwaves
The Road to Success in Microwaves

Organizers : Prof. Xiuyin Zhang, South China University of Technology Prof. Wenhua Chen, Tsinghua University IEEE MTTS Young Professionals brings to you the first ever “Young Professionals Focus Session” as a part of International Wireless Symposium 2018 to be held in Chengdu China from May 6-10, 2018. In the modern world, the young professionals have […]

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March 2018 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
March 2018 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer

MEASUREMENT Time-Domain Ultra-Wideband Imaging A fully automatic time-domain measurement system for ultra-wideband microwave imaging uses a pair of movable antennas to transmit and receive. Each antenna can be independently controlled to complete a full measurement (of both incident and total field) within 20 minutes. Comparison with a frequency-sweep method shows that both methods allow for […]

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NEMO 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland, Aug. 8-10, 2018
NEMO 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland, Aug. 8-10, 2018

IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO 2018) Founded by the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S), NEMO is an annual focal conference on EM- and multiphysics-based computer-aided design (CAD), rotating between Europe, North America, and Asia. NEMO 2018 aims at stimulating […]

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February 2018 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
February 2018 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY Antennas for an Intraoral Tongue Drive A new arch-shaped intraoral Tongue Drive System (iTDS, a tongue-controlled wireless assistive technology operated by a user-defined tongue gestures to issue control commands) occupying the buccal shelf space in the mouth, without limiting the available space for tongue motions, with the design, characterization, and comparison of three […]

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Welcome to the New MTT-20 Website!
Welcome to the New MTT-20 Website!

MTT-20 is devoted to Wireless Communications, feel free to navigate through our web-page and interesting subjects.

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This page summarizes some of the 5G information public available. 5G PLayground at SF SDN Testbed Workshop Thomas Magedanz EIT Digital Offering 20160502 Marko Turpeinen IEEE SDN_for Testbed Workshop 5-2-16 V4 Eileen Healy

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The Origins
The Origins

The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) is a transnational society with more than 11,000 members and 150 chapters worldwide. The Society promotes the advancement of RF and microwave theory and its applications from a few MHz to THz. One of the 27 Technical Committees is MTT-17, in charge of HF/VHF/UHF technology. The mission […]

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IMS2018: Digital Pre-distortion And Post-correction From Dc To Mmwave For Wireline And Optical Communications
IMS2018: Digital Pre-distortion And Post-correction...

Organizers: SungWon Chung, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA Hermann Boss, Rhode & Schwartz, Munich, Germany Noriaki Kaneda, Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, USA This workshop overviews the recent advancements in digital pre-distortion (DPD) and digital post-correction (DPC) techniques over a broad range of spectrum from DC to mmWave. Beyond the classical […]

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Amelie Hagelauer (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg) together with Vadim Issakov and Uwe Rueddenklau (both Infineon) organized a workshop on “RF Front-Ends for Enhanced Mobile Communications towards 5G” at this year’s IMS. The workshop has been very successful with more than 100 attendees.

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IEEE Radio Wireless Week 2018
IEEE Radio Wireless Week 2018

RADIO WIRELESS WEEK 2018 I DON’T KNOW WHERE I’M GOING, BUT I’M ON MY WAY. ~~ CARL SAGAN 200 years ago, it would take a message about 2 weeks to cross the Atlantic. And today, it takes a blink of an eye! Martin Cooper from Motorola placed the very first mobile phone call 45 years […]

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January 2018 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
January 2018 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer

MESSAGE FROM 2018 PRESIDENT TOM BRAZIL “An Amazing Time for Microwaves” The remarkable communications advances we’ll see during the coming year rely on electromagnetic energy in the RV, microwave, mm-wave, and terahertz bands. The coming of 5G will mean mm-waves everywhere, and we may even cut some power cables to harness wireless power transfer. This […]

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Submit Wireless Power Transfer Papers by 18 Feb.
Submit Wireless Power Transfer Papers by 18 Feb.

Submit papers by 18 February for the Power Transfer Conference (WPTC2018), running 3-7 June in Montreal with the Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power (WoW), and the Wireless Power Congress (WPC). Read more

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Detecting Pesticides
Detecting Pesticides

A new method combining terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) with metamaterials detects concentrations of the pesticide carbendazim as low as 5 mg/L, sensitivity about 4 orders of magnitude better than squash THz-TDS. Read more

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