Governance Documents - Pending Changes

Amendments to the MTT-S Constitution and Bylaws are authored and approved by the MTT-S Administrative Committee (AdCom), and then reviewed and approved by the IEEE.  Changes to the Society’s governing documents then go into effect unless 10 percent of the Society membership objects within 30 days of their posting.

The comment period for the amendments below will end on February 28th 2025 at 7:00 UTC.   Please share comments, objections, and feedback at this link:

Passed Amendments

There are no pending amendments to the MTT-S Constitution.

There are no pending amendments to the MTT-S Constitution.


In 2023, there were two approved amendments to the Bylaws.

  • Modification of Bylaws Section 3.3.2 – Clarification on the role of the recent three Past Presidents in elections, by insertion of the phrase “unless notable elsewhere in the ByLaws”

The paragraph clarifies the role of the recent three Past Presidents to resolve a contradiction between ByLaw 3.3.2 and

  • Addition of Bylaws Section 5.2.17
    “The Young Professionals Committee shall engage, support, and develop YP membership in the Society and shall maintain records of the Society’s YP membership. The Committee is responsible for promotion of the Society’s interests through maintaining supportive liaisons with existing Society Student Chapters and promulgating activities that encourage YP membership in the Society.”

This paragraph adds the YP Committee to the list of standing committees on AdCom.  The committee has operated as an ad-hoc committee for the past three years.  Additional details of its activities are available in the linked presentation.


Thank you for your interest and participation in strengthening the MTT Society.