
Paper Deadline for November's 16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium Extended to 1 August
Paper Deadline for November's 16th Mediterranean Microwave...

From the General, Techical Program, and Publications and Publicity Chairs of the 16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS2016): The MMS2016 paper submission deadline has been extended to 1 August 2016. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and, upon paying the registration fees and presenting the paper, will be submitted for inclusion in the […]

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Apply for 2017 MTT-S Graduate Fellowships and Undergraduate Scholarships by 15 October
Apply for 2017 MTT-S Graduate Fellowships and Undergraduate...

The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society offers financial assistance to graduate, undergraduate, and pregraduate students. Applications for assistance int 2017 are due by October 15, 2016. 2017 IEEE MTT-S GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS The MTT Society provides financial assistance to graduate students who show promise and interest in pursuing full-time programs in RF and microwave engineering. […]

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13th European Radar Conference (EuRAD), London, October
13th European Radar Conference (EuRAD), London, October

EuRAD 2016 promises to be an exciting three day conference with more than 100 papers covering a diverse range of current topics including; MIMO and networked radar, Millimetre wave and THz radar, Electronic Scanned Array Design and Multibeam Antennas and Beamforming Networks. Expert workshops will cover Automotive Radar, Radar Imaging, Radar Performance in Clutter, Bistatic […]

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European Microwave Week (EuMW), London, 3-7 October
European Microwave Week (EuMW), London, 3-7 October

From the General & Vice Chairs of Eurpean Microwave Week 2016, It is our privilege and pleasure to invite you on behalf of the whole the European Microwave Association (EuMA) and EuMW Committee to the 19th European Microwave Week (EuMW); Europe’s premier microwave, RF, radar and wireless event. Our team of around 30 volunteers have […]

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Eastern Europe Chapter Chairs Meet in Krakow
Eastern Europe Chapter Chairs Meet in Krakow

Microwave Theory and Techniques Society organized a Chapter Chair Meeting (CCM) in Kraków, a beautiful historical city in Poland, former capital of Poland, on May 9, 2016, in conjunction with the Microwave and Radar Week, which combined the MIKON and IRS Conferences. Representatives of all Region 8 Chapters of the MTT Society and MTT Chapters […]

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CSIC Late-Breaking Paper Deadline: 15 July
CSIC Late-Breaking Paper Deadline: 15 July

The 2016 IEEE CSICS will be held on October 23rd–26th at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel located in Austin, Texas, USA. The Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium (CSICS) covers GaN, GaAs, InP, SiGe, and nanoscale CMOS technologies and their application to microwave/mm-wave, THz, analog mixed signal, power conversion, and optoelectronic IC design. Now in its 39th […]

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IMS2016: Expanding Activity in Microwave Applications
IMS2016: Expanding Activity in Microwave Applications

This year over 100 abstracts were received and 79 were accepted and scheduled for presentation along with two keynote presentations, as well as a panel session on “The 5G IoT Conundrum.” MicroApps Sessions I had the pleasure of co-chairing the IMS2016 Microwave Application (MicroApps) Seminars in San Francisco with Dustin Hoekstra and Alexander Chenakin. MicroApps […]

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IMS2016: Women in Microwaves
IMS2016: Women in Microwaves

“Inspiring Leadership” was the common thread that spoke to both men and women at the IMS2016 WIM event, which was well attended with 80+ joining us. I find it rewarding that now we have full panel sessions, technical tracks, and shoulder-to-shoulder networking receptions of which we can all be proud. Women in Engineering/Women in Microwaves […]

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The MTT-S Newsletter: Call for Papers...and Much More
The MTT-S Newsletter: Call for Papers...and Much More

Welcome to the second issue of the MTT-S Newsletter. The Newsletter Working Group and I are trying to make this Newsletter come alive. It should be a link between all people that are involved in the high frequency domain, from MHz through THz (MTT). We hope that it will be read not only by the […]

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