IMS 2017 Honolulu, Hi

IMS 2017 Honolulu, Hi
IMS 2017 Honolulu, Hi

During this premier microwave event MTT-6 sponsors a student design competition and a number of workshops with internationally renown speakers. Take your time to browse through the IMS/RFIC workshop program and join us for these events to hear about the latest developments and discussion with experts in these field.The student design competition is:- 5G Mobile […]

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Endorsed Workshops at IMS
Endorsed Workshops at IMS

– Monday: high power WPT, organizers: Alessandra Costanzo and Zoya Popovic- Friday: Low-cost technology for Space applications: organizers: Nuno Carvalho, Alessandra Costanzo

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Student Design Competition at IMS 2017
Student Design Competition at IMS 2017

As part of the International Microwave Symposium 2017 (June 4-9, 2017) the RF nanotechnology technical committee is sponsoring a student design competition entitled “Apps for Radio-Frequency Nanotechnology.” The main motivation for application of nanotechology to electronics is to define new functionalities and new concept devices, beyond Moore, exploiting the unique features of nanostructured materials. For […]

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Young Professionals as Future Decision Makers of Technology
Young Professionals as Future Decision Makers of Technology

“Young Professionals” the term itself brings new energy, enthusiasm, ideas for shaping the future of technology. The year 2017 has been a remarkable year for the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTTS) in launching, expanding and empowering the young talented minds working in the field of RF and microwave technology. The 2017 International Microwave Symposium […]

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5G Focus: Peaceful Coexistence in the mmWave Frontier
5G Focus: Peaceful Coexistence in the mmWave Frontier

The electromagnetic spectrum at frequencies above 6 GHz is sometimes depicted as a frontier wide open for 5G settlement. In fact, though, the landscape is dotted with established users whose territory must not be disturbed. These outposts include Fixed Services (FS, used for wireless backhaul in cellular communications) and Fixed Satellite Services (FSS, used to […]

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May 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer
May 2017 News for the Microwave and Wireless Engineer

RADAR Miniature mmWave Sensor for High-Accuracy Measurement A highly miniaturized, commercially available millimeter wave radar sensor working in the 121 to 127 GHz range can achieve distance measurements accurate to within ±6 micrometers over a measurement distance of 35 mm. On-chip radar circuitry and external antennas are integrated into an 8 mm x 8 mm, […]

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Intel, Nokia, Qualcomm Bet on MulteFire to Blend LTE and Wi‑Fi
Intel, Nokia, Qualcomm Bet on MulteFire to Blend LTE...

A wireless industry consortium is developing a new technology called MulteFire that it says delivers the high performance of 4G LTE cellular networks while being as easy to deploy as Wi-Fi routers.Rather than relying on the licensed spectrum purchased for today’s LTE service, MulteFire operates entirely in the unlicensed 5 gigahertz band. And to set […]

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TC Field of Interest: MTT-20 Technical Committee is responsible for all technical activities related to wireless communications for the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society. This includes, Internet of Things (IoTs), Next-Generation/5G communications, Machine-to-Machine Communications, Emergency Communications, Satellite Communications, Internet of Space, Space Communications and all aspects related to architecture and system level theoretical and practical […]

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5G Progress, Realities Set in at Brooklyn 5G Summit
5G Progress, Realities Set in at Brooklyn 5G Summit

5G technologies are early in their development, and the business cases for them are a bit fuzzy, but wireless researchers and executives still had plenty to celebrate this week at the annual Brooklyn 5G Summit. They’ve made steady progress on defining future 5G networks, and have sped up the schedule for the first phase of […]

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Facebook Aims to Remake Telecom With Millimeter Waves and Tether-tennas
Facebook Aims to Remake Telecom With Millimeter Waves...

A world of millimeter-wave networks, laid out by computer, crisscrossing cities and into the stratosphere, where cell phone towers can be easily replaced by tethered autonomous copters—that’s the telecommunications infrastructure of the future. So says Facebook’s Yael Maguire, head of the company’s Connectivity Lab. Read more

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April 2017 IEEE Microwave Newsletter
April 2017 IEEE Microwave Newsletter

Thermoacoustic Effect Turns Microwaves into Underwater Sound In the thermoacoustic effect, heat from electromagnetic waves striking the water’s surface generates sound waves. A University of Arizona team has demonstrated benchtop thermoacoustic communications (TAC), successfully transforming microwave signals in air into sound signals under water, received by an acoustic sensor. The experiments and theoretical analysis suggest […]

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Call for Nominations of Candidates to the MTT-S Administrative Committee
Call for Nominations of Candidates to the MTT-S Administrative

The IEEE MTT-S Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for candidates to the Administrative Committee (AdCom) for the 2018-2020 term. Nomination Procedure: Nomination may be made by sending the name of a candidate to the AdCom Nominations and Appointments Committee at Requirements: Members submitting names should first obtain the consent of the […]

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Get Up to Speed on 5G with Free MTT-S and IEEE Webinars
Get Up to Speed on 5G with Free MTT-S and IEEE Webinars

The IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, other IEEE Societies, and additional IEEE resources offer a wealth of information on 5G communications (and its alter ego, the Internet of Things). In addition to more than 3,200 technical papers indexed under “5G mobile communications” on IEEEXplore, the trove includes webinars and videos aimed at bringing members […]

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By the beach, near the sea, what a wonderful place to be!!
By the beach, near the sea, what a wonderful place...

The wireless industry seems to have unlimited growth potential as the next generation of technology proliferates across the airwaves. The rollout of any new generation of mobile network technology is never as simple as flicking on a light switch. The insatiable demand for wireless connectivity in our surroundings has skyrocketed in the last decade and […]

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Nanochip Gas Sensors Promise Personal Air Quality Monitors in Our Pockets
Nanochip Gas Sensors Promise Personal Air Quality Monitors...

An international team of researchers has developed a low-power gas sensor chip that can operate at room temperature, making possible the development of personal air-quality monitoring devices that we could carry around with us. In research described in the journal Science Advances, the team of researchers fabricated a chemical-sensitive field-effect transistor (CS-FET) platform based on […]

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ICMIM 2017 Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
ICMIM 2017 Nagoya, Aichi, Japan

The third IEEE MTT-S 2017 International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM2017) will be held on 19-21 March, 2017 in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan. This conference covers a broad range of topicsthat enable intelligent mobile systems through RF/microwave/millimeterwave components, circuits and systems. Potential applications include cognitive and autonomous automobiles and robots, wirelesscommunications between automobiles and […]

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