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IEEE MTT-S Major Awards:  Call for Nominations
Deadline: July 31st, 2024

The IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) presents a number of awards annually to our members to recognize their outstanding contributions to the field of microwave theory and technology, significant achievements in their careers, or distinguished services to the society. The Awards Committee of MTT-S would like to ask for your help in identifying and nominating outstanding individuals for annual awards offered by the Society:

Microwave Career Award: https://mtt.org/microwave-career-award/
Microwave Pioneer Award: https://mtt.org/microwave-pioneer-award/
Microwave Application Award: https://mtt.org/microwave-application-award/
Distinguished Educator Award: https://mtt.org/distinguished-educator-award/
Outstanding Young Engineer Award: https://mtt.org/outstanding-young-engineer/
Distinguished Service Award: https://mtt.org/distinguished-service-award/
N. Walter Cox Award: https://mtt.org/n-walter-cox-award/

The 2025 awards will be announced at the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS) in San Francisco, CA, USA, on 15-20 June, 2025. The complete guideline for nominations and endorsements are on the respective nomination form, that can be found at the respective web link given above.

The deadline for submitting all the materials is July 31st, 2024. The nominations should be submitted via email to mttawardschair@ieee.org.

If any questions, please email to mttwardschair@ieee.org.

Please feel free to disseminate this information to others in the broader RF/microwave community.

PS: The 2024 awardees’ list can be found here, and the full past awardees’ list can be found here.