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On July 27-29, 2016, the 2016 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO) (http://nemo-ieee.org) was held in Beijing, China.

NEMO is a new annual focal event on electromagnetic- and multiphysics-based computer-aided design founded by IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S). NEMO rotates around the globe very three years, meeting in Europe, North America, and Asia. The inaugural NEMO conference was held in Pavia, Italy 2014, followed by Ottawa, Canada 2015. This year it was held in Beijing, China. Seville, Spain will be the next host city. It is an international forum for scientists, engineers and young students worldwide to demonstrate and share their innovative achievements and ideas.
NEMO2016 was financially sponsored by MTT-S, and technically sponsored by ACES. Conference General Chair is Prof. C.-K. Clive Tzuang, and Prof. Francisco Mesa from Universidad de Sevilla as the Conference General Co-Chair. Prof. Chi Hou Chan (City University of Hong Kong) and Prof. Er-Ping Li (Zhejiang University) are served as Technical Program Chair and Co-Chair.
NEMO2016’s technical program covered a wide range of numerical methods and their applications ranging from microwave to terahertz and from components to systems. It also covered topics in IC packaging and interconnects, multiphysics and modeling, optimization, antennas and MIMO, etc. 108 papers were accepted from 133 submitted ones, with contributing authors from 19 countries. 23 poster papers were selected for the Student Paper Contest, of which three best papers were awarded in the banquet.
The three-day NEMO2016 program included two parallel oral sessions on three consecutive days let authors present their recent findings, casually interact with experts, and exchange of ideas. Six plenary session speakers highlighted the advancing arts in NEMO: covering a broad range of numerical electromagnetic methods, modeling, and optimization to cope with emerging field of study like MIMO systems, metasurfaces, THz components, etc.